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Created April 24, 2024 15:37
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export class MyClass {
* @attribute
* Adding an attribute tag tag in a block comment flags the property as an attribute to the editor.
speed = 10
* @attribute
* Attributes can't be expressions. We don't evaluate code.
* A warning will be generated and the attribute will be ignored.
speedExpression = 10 + 1
* This does not have an attribute tag and will be ignored.
notAnAttribute = false
* @attribute
* Attributes types can also be defined using the `type` tag.
* @type {string}
* @attribute
* If an attribute is not initialized and does not include a `type` tag, it is invalid.
* A warning will be generated.
* @attribute
* If both are provided, the inferred type is ignored and the `type` tag is used.
* @type {number}
speedNotString = 'This inferred string type is ignored'
* @attribute
* Attributes can be arrays of a type.
* @type {string[]}
* @attribute
* But this can also be inferred from it's initialization
initializedArrayOfStrings = ['This is an array of strings']
* @attribute
* There are additional tags an attribute can have to provide more context to the editor.
* Range, step, precision specifies numerical constraints
* @title The title tag is used as short label
* @range [0.1, 10]
* @precision 0.01
* @step 0.005
* @placeholder This is some placeholder text, used to populate input fields
velocity = 2
* @attribute
* Attributes can also be complex types. The type must be marked with the `@serializable` tag.
* It's properties tagged with `@attribute` will be exposed in the editor. This similar to the older 'json' use case.
enemy = new EnemyType()
* @attribute
* Uninitialized Complex Types also respect the `type` tag.
* @type {EnemyType}
* @attribute
* and can also be arrays of complex types. Again the @serializable tag is required.
* @type {EnemyType[]}
* @attribute
* Same for initialized arrays of complex types.
enemies = [new EnemyType()]
* @attribute
* If an attribute type exists but isn't marked with the `@serializable` tag, it will be ignored.
* A warning will be generated.
initializedInvalidType = new InvalidType()
* @attribute
* Of course, if a type doesn't exist, It will not be added.
* @type {ThisDoesntExist}
* @attribute
* Same goes for attributes initialized with non existent types.
invalidInitializedType = new ThisDoesntExist();
* @attribute
* This is an enum attribute. The Lights definition has `@enum` tag which
* creates a dropdown list in the editor.
* @type {Lights}
lights = 1
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