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Last active October 8, 2024 17:33
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Nested `createEntityAdapter` example
// Example of using multiple / nested `createEntityAdapter` calls within a single Redux Toolkit slice
interface Message {
id: string;
roomId: string;
text: string;
timestamp: string;
username: string;
interface ChatRoomEntry {
id: string;
messages: EntityState<Message>;
const roomsAdapter = createEntityAdapter<ChatRoomEntry>();
const messagesAdapter = createEntityAdapter<Message>();
const fetchRooms = createAsyncThunk(
const fetchMessages = createAsyncThunk(
async (roomId) => {
return chatsAPI.fetchMessages(roomId);
const chatSlice = createSlice({
name: "chats",
initialState: roomsAdapter.getInitialState(),
reducers: {
extraReducers: builder => {
builder.addCase(fetchRooms.fulfilled, (state, action) => {
const roomEntries = => {
return {id:, messages: messagesAdapter.getInitialState()};
roomsAdapter.setAll(state, roomEntries);
.addCase(fetchMessages.fulfilled, (state, action) => {
const roomId = action.meta.arg;
const roomEntry = state.entities[roomId];
if (roomEntry) {
messagesAdapter.setAll(roomEntry.messages, action.payload);
Resulting state:
ids: ["chatRoom1"],
entities: {
chatRoom1: {
id: "chatRoom1",
messages: {
ids: ["message1", "message2"],
entities: {
message1: {id: "message1", text: "hello"},
message2: {id: "message2", text: "yo"},

Thanks for the reply, @markerikson. In the words of the great 90s punk rock band, The Offspring, I'm going to Keep 'Em Separated. I like the idea of knowing that each entity has its own home and along with it, auto-generated selectors to boot. Thanks for all your awesome work.

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So I decided that I'd try my hand with nesting slices. This way I can keep all my entities reducers/thunks/selectors etc under their own slice, yet keep a top level "entities" slice. But i'm stumped. I can dispatch the actions, and see them working. I just can't workout how to get the slice reducers to combine in the parent slice.

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@rickysullivan-gallagher I'm not actually sure what you're trying to do there, and this gist isn't a great place to provide support :) Could you drop by the #redux channel in the Reactiflux Discord ( ) and ask there?

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Will do @markerikson. I wasn't feeling confident this was the right place.

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