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Created November 4, 2017 23:52
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Apple Script / Start the color choose, convert the selected color to HEX and copy to the clipboard
# Open the color picker
on convertRGBColorToHexValue(theRGBValues)
set theHexList to {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"}
set theHexValue to ""
repeat with a from 1 to count of theRGBValues
set theCurrentRGBValue to (item a of theRGBValues) div 256
if theCurrentRGBValue is 256 then set theCurrentRGBValue to 255
set theFirstItem to item ((theCurrentRGBValue div 16) + 1) of theHexList
set theSecondItem to item (((theCurrentRGBValue / 16 mod 1) * 16) + 1) of theHexList
set theHexValue to (theHexValue & theFirstItem & theSecondItem) as string
end repeat
return ("#" & theHexValue) as string
end convertRGBColorToHexValue
set theRGBValues to (choose color default color {255, 255, 255})
set hexValue to (convertRGBColorToHexValue(theRGBValues))
set the clipboard to hexValue as text
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