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Created April 14, 2014 01:49
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jQuery window resize
/* Get size of viewport */
layout.winWidth = $(window).width();
layout.winHeight = $(window).height();
/* Get available width by subtracting the size of the rest of the components */
var dwidth = layout.winWidth - 63;
var dheight = layout.winHeight - 111;
/* Check if scrollbars are needed (cheight and cwidth are canvas element's height and width)*/
var vScrollNeeded = dheight < app.cheight;
var hScrollNeeded = dwidth < app.cwidth;
/* Final width */
var fwidth;
var fheight;
/* If the available width is greater than the size of the canvas + size of the scrollbars, if
they're needed, set it to the size of the canvas + size of the scrollbars (if they're needed).
Otherwise, set it to the available space. */
if (dwidth > app.cwidth + (vScrollNeeded?layout.scrollWidth:0)) {
fwidth = app.cwidth + (vScrollNeeded?layout.scrollWidth:0);
} else {
fwidth = dwidth;
/* Same with vertical height */
if (dheight > app.cheight + (hScrollNeeded?layout.scrollWidth:0)) {
fheight = app.cheight + (hScrollNeeded?layout.scrollWidth:0);
} else {
fheight = dheight;
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