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Created July 21, 2020 12:47
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>>> import torch
# a Float tensor
>>> a = torch.tensor([[0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2]], dtype=torch.float)
>>> a
tensor([[0., 0.],
[1., 1.],
[2., 2.]])
# a Long tensor
>>> b = torch.tensor([[3], [4], [5]], dtype=torch.long)
>>> b
# Torch on float vs long tensors => WTF?
>>>[a, b], dim=1)
tensor([[0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, 4.2039e-45],
[1.0000e+00, 1.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00],
[2.0000e+00, 2.0000e+00, 5.6052e-45]])
# Torch on float vs float tensors => WTF?
>>>[a, b.float()], dim=1)
tensor([[0., 0., 3.],
[1., 1., 4.],
[2., 2., 5.]])
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