This problem aims to find the accuracy of an appliance detection algorithm
We are given whole home energy data and a truth set of appliances defined by their wattage in Kilo Watts (kW)
A home has a fridge (200W), an electric vehicle (1500W) and a dryer (5000W) -->
truth set [ 0.2, 5.0, 1.5 ]
After this data is analyzed a "detected" appliance set is created -->
detected set [ 0.19, 1.46, 1.12 ]
Find the True Positives (Detected correctly), False Positives (Detected incorrectly) and False Negatives (Did not detect)
A detected appliance is considered correct if it is within 10% of the truth.
In the above example
True Positives = [ 0.2 (0.19), 1.5 (1.46) ] ---> Detected Fridge and Electric Vehicle Correctly
False Positives = [ _ (1.12) ] ---> Detected a 1.12 kW appliance that was not present
False Negatives = [ 5.0 (_) ] ---> Failed to detect a 5.0 kW dryer