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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Metalsmith plugin to complile handlebars files within src with current meta
<!--- filename: -->
title: HandlebarsCombiMarkdown
customWorld: Universe
This file tests if markdown and handlebars could play together in the same file.
Hallo {{customWorld}}!
<!--- filename: handlemdtest.html -->
<!--- this will be the output -->
<p>This file tests if markdown and handlebars could play together in the same file.</p>
<p>Hallo Universe!</p>
// adapted from to parse handlebars files
// possible solution to
var basename = require('path').basename;
var dirname = require('path').dirname;
var extname = require('path').extname;
var Handlebars = require("handlebars");
var _ = require("lodash");
* Expose `plugin`.
module.exports = plugin;
* Metalsmith plugin to complile handlebars files within src with current meta
* @return {Function}
function plugin() {
return function(files, metalsmith, done) {
Object.keys(files).forEach(function(file) {
if (!isHandlebars(file)) {
var data = files[file];
var dir = dirname(file);
var newFileName = reduceAllExtensions(file);
if (isMarkdown(file)) {
newFileName += ".md";
} else {
newFileName += ".html"; // assumes .html is the default output format!
if (dir !== '.') {
newFileName = dir + '/' + newFileName;
var template = Handlebars.compile(data.contents.toString());
var str = template(mergeMeta(, data, file));
data.contents = new Buffer(str);
delete files[file];
files[newFileName] = data;
function mergeMeta(global, local, filename) {
var merged = {};
_.each(_.keys(global), (function(key) {
merged[key] = global[key];
_.each(_.keys(local), (function(key) {
if (_.isUndefined(merged[key]) === false) {
console.warn("- [hbs] local key " + key + " in file " + filename + " overrides global!");
merged[key] = local[key];
return merged;
function isHandlebars(file) {
return /\.hbs|\.handlebars/.test(file);
function isMarkdown(file) {
return /\.md|\.markdown/.test(file);
function reduceAllExtensions(file) {
var trimmedFilename = basename(file, extname(file));
if (extname(trimmedFilename) !== "") {
return reduceAllExtensions(trimmedFilename);
} else {
return trimmedFilename;
// metalsmith plugins
var Metalsmith = require("metalsmith");
var markdown = require("metalsmith-markdown");
// custom metalsmith scripts (aka plugins)
var hbs = require("./scripts/metalsmith-hbs");
// metalsmith pipeline
// make sure to run markdown BEFORE the above hbs plugin!
// is now handlemdtest.html
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