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Last active March 14, 2022 03:56
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What are the most popular letters, what words have the most popular letters, and a set of words that can reveal the most popular letters.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# See
# use with
from string import ascii_lowercase
from pprint import pprint
# Set all chars to 0
char_scores = []
for i in range(6):
for char in ascii_lowercase:
char_scores[i][char] = 0
# Read the word file, save the words, count the chars in each position
fh = open("words.txt")
words = {}
for line in fh:
words[line.rstrip()] = 0
for i, char in enumerate(line.rstrip()):
char_scores[i][char] += 1
char_scores[5][char] += 1
# Give each word a score
for word in words:
for i, char in enumerate(word):
words[word] += char_scores[i][char]
# Sort the words by score
sorted_words = sorted(words.items(), key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True)
# Remove words with duplicate chars
uniq_words = []
for word_hash in sorted_words:
chars = {}
uniq = True
for i, char in enumerate(word_hash[0]):
if not char in chars:
chars[char] = 1
uniq = False
if uniq:
uniq_words.append((word_hash[0], word_hash[1], chars))
# uniq_words.append(word_hash)
# pprint(uniq_words)
# Find word sets
def build_word_set(depth, word_index, max_words, word_data, word_sets):
counter = word_index+1
asdf = True
if (depth < 4):
while counter < len(uniq_words):
word1 = uniq_words[counter]
uniq = 0
# Make sure word is different enough
for i, char in enumerate(word1[0]):
for word, points, chars in word_data:
if char in chars:
uniq += 1
# if word[i] == char:
# uniq += 1
# if word[0] == "s":
# uniq += 1
if uniq < 1 or depth >= 2 and uniq < depth:
build_word_set(depth+1, counter, max_words, word_data+[word1], word_sets)
asdf = False
counter += 1
if asdf:
words = []
score = 0
for word, points, chars in word_data:
score += points
word_sets[", ".join(words)] = score
word_sets = {}
max_words = 40
for i in range(max_words):
words = build_word_set(0, i, max_words, [uniq_words[i]], word_sets)
sorted_word_sets = sorted(word_sets.items(), key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True)
# Print word scores
# Print letter scores
ranked_chars = []
for i in range(6):
ranked_chars.append(sorted(char_scores[i].items(), key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True))
# Print word sets
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