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Last active October 2, 2019 13:48
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  • Save lyoshenka/39561b69ebfc95c0364974b5e462da8c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save lyoshenka/39561b69ebfc95c0364974b5e462da8c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Upload this file to an s3 bucket with static website hosting enabled to get a directory listing of the bucket contents. Example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div id="navigation"></div>
<div id="listing"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
* Modified from
var BUCKET_URL = '';
var S3B_SORT = 'LBRY';
var EXCLUDE_FILE = 's3dir.html';
<script type="text/javascript">
if (typeof AUTO_TITLE != 'undefined' && AUTO_TITLE == true) {
document.title = location.hostname;
if (typeof S3_REGION != 'undefined') {
var BUCKET_URL = 'http://' + location.hostname + '.' + S3_REGION + ''; // e.g. just 's3' for us-east-1 region
var BUCKET_WEBSITE_URL = location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname;
if (typeof S3BL_IGNORE_PATH == 'undefined' || S3BL_IGNORE_PATH != true) {
var S3BL_IGNORE_PATH = false;
if (typeof BUCKET_URL == 'undefined') {
var BUCKET_URL = location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname;
if (typeof BUCKET_NAME != 'undefined') {
// if bucket_url does not start with bucket_name,
// assume path-style url
if (!~BUCKET_URL.indexOf(location.protocol + '//' + BUCKET_NAME)) {
if (typeof BUCKET_WEBSITE_URL == 'undefined') {
if (typeof S3B_ROOT_DIR == 'undefined') {
var S3B_ROOT_DIR = '';
if (typeof S3B_SORT == 'undefined') {
if (BUCKET_WEBSITE_URL.startsWith('https') && window.location.protocol !== "https:") {
window.location.replace('https:' + window.location.href.substring(window.location.protocol.length));
jQuery(function($) { getS3Data(); });
function cmp(a, b, reverse) {
return (a > b ? 1 : (a < b ? -1 : 0)) * (reverse ? -1 : 1);
function sortFunction(a, b) {
switch (S3B_SORT) {
case "OLD2NEW":
return a.LastModified > b.LastModified ? 1 : -1;
case "NEW2OLD":
return a.LastModified < b.LastModified ? 1 : -1;
case "A2Z":
return a.Key < b.Key ? 1 : -1;
case "Z2A":
return a.Key > b.Key ? 1 : -1;
case "BIG2SMALL":
return a.Size < b.Size ? 1 : -1;
case "SMALL2BIG":
return a.Size > b.Size ? 1 : -1;
case "LBRY":
return cmp(a.LastModified,b.LastModified,true) || cmp(a.Key,b.Key,true);
function getS3Data(marker, html) {
var s3_rest_url = createS3QueryUrl(marker);
// set loading notice
.done(function(data) {
// clear loading notice
var xml = $(data);
var info = getInfoFromS3Data(xml);
// Slight modification by FuzzBall03
// This will sort your file listing based on var S3B_SORT
// See url for example:
if (S3B_SORT != 'DEFAULT') {
var sortedFiles = info.files;
info.files = sortedFiles;
var sortedDirs = info.directories;
info.directories = sortedDirs;
html = typeof html !== 'undefined' ? prepareTable(info) + html :
if (info.nextMarker != "null") {
getS3Data(info.nextMarker, html);
} else {
document.getElementById('listing').innerHTML =
'<pre>' + html + '</pre>';
.fail(function(error) {
$('#listing').html('<strong>Error: ' + error + '</strong>');
function buildNavigation(info) {
var root = S3BL_IGNORE_PATH == false ?
'<a href="/">' + BUCKET_WEBSITE_URL + '</a> / ' :
'<a href="?prefix=">' + BUCKET_WEBSITE_URL + '</a> / ';
if (info.prefix) {
var processedPathSegments = '';
var content = $.map(info.prefix.split('/'), function(pathSegment) {
processedPathSegments = processedPathSegments + encodeURIComponent(pathSegment) + '/';
return S3BL_IGNORE_PATH == false ?
'<a href="/' + processedPathSegments + '">' + pathSegment + '</a>' :
'<a href="?prefix=' + processedPathSegments + '">' + pathSegment + '</a>';
$('#navigation').html(root + content.join(' / '));
} else {
function createS3QueryUrl(marker) {
var s3_rest_url = BUCKET_URL;
s3_rest_url += '?delimiter=/';
// Handling paths and prefixes:
// 1. S3BL_IGNORE_PATH = false
// Uses the pathname
// {bucket}/{path} => prefix = {path}
// 2. S3BL_IGNORE_PATH = true
// Uses ?prefix={prefix}
// Why both? Because we want classic directory style listing in normal
// buckets but also allow deploying to non-buckets
var rx = '.*[?&]prefix=' + S3B_ROOT_DIR + '([^&]+)(&.*)?$';
var prefix = '';
if (S3BL_IGNORE_PATH == false) {
var prefix = location.pathname.replace(/^\//, S3B_ROOT_DIR);
var match =;
if (match) {
prefix = S3B_ROOT_DIR + match[1];
} else {
var prefix = S3B_ROOT_DIR;
if (prefix) {
// make sure we end in /
var prefix = prefix.replace(/\/$/, '') + '/';
s3_rest_url += '&prefix=' + prefix;
if (marker) {
s3_rest_url += '&marker=' + marker;
return s3_rest_url;
function getInfoFromS3Data(xml) {
var files = $.map(xml.find('Contents'), function(item) {
item = $(item);
// clang-format off
return {
Key: item.find('Key').text(),
LastModified: item.find('LastModified').text(),
Size: bytesToHumanReadable(item.find('Size').text()),
Type: 'file'
// clang-format on
var directories = $.map(xml.find('CommonPrefixes'), function(item) {
item = $(item);
// clang-format off
return {
Key: item.find('Prefix').text(),
LastModified: '',
Size: '0',
Type: 'directory'
// clang-format on
if ($(xml.find('IsTruncated')[0]).text() == 'true') {
var nextMarker = $(xml.find('NextMarker')[0]).text();
} else {
var nextMarker = null;
// clang-format off
return {
files: files,
directories: directories,
prefix: $(xml.find('Prefix')[0]).text(),
nextMarker: encodeURIComponent(nextMarker)
// clang-format on
// info is object like:
// {
// files: ..
// directories: ..
// prefix: ...
// }
function prepareTable(info) {
var files = info.files.concat(info.directories), prefix = info.prefix;
var cols = [45, 30, 15];
var content = [];
content.push(padRight('Last Modified', cols[1]) + ' ' +
padRight('Size', cols[2]) + 'Key \n');
content.push(new Array(cols[0] + cols[1] + cols[2] + 4).join('-') + '\n');
// add ../ at the start of the dir listing, unless we are already at root dir
if (prefix && prefix !== S3B_ROOT_DIR) {
var up = prefix.replace(/\/$/, '').split('/').slice(0, -1).concat('').join(
'/'), // one directory up
item =
Key: up,
LastModified: '',
Size: '',
keyText: '../',
href: S3BL_IGNORE_PATH ? '?prefix=' + up : '../'
row = renderRow(item, cols);
content.push(row + '\n');
jQuery.each(files, function(idx, item) {
// strip off the prefix
item.keyText = item.Key.substring(prefix.length);
if (item.Type === 'directory') {
item.href = location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname +
location.pathname + '?prefix=' + item.Key;
} else {
item.href = item.keyText;
} else {
item.href = BUCKET_WEBSITE_URL + '/' + encodeURIComponent(item.Key);
item.href = item.href.replace(/%2F/g, '/');
var row = renderRow(item, cols);
if (typeof EXCLUDE_FILE == 'undefined' || EXCLUDE_FILE != item.Key)
content.push(row + '\n');
return content.join('');
function renderRow(item, cols) {
var row = '';
row += padRight(item.LastModified, cols[1]) + ' ';
row += padRight(item.Size, cols[2]);
row += '<a href="' + item.href + '">' + item.keyText + '</a>';
return row;
function padRight(padString, length) {
var str = padString.slice(0, length - 3);
if (padString.length > str.length) {
str += '...';
while (str.length < length) {
str = str + ' ';
return str;
function bytesToHumanReadable(sizeInBytes) {
var i = -1;
var units = [' kB', ' MB', ' GB'];
do {
sizeInBytes = sizeInBytes / 1024;
} while (sizeInBytes > 1024);
return Math.max(sizeInBytes, 0.1).toFixed(1) + units[i];


  • create s3 bucket
  • make it publicly-readable
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "PublicReadGetObject",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": "*",
            "Action": "s3:ListBucket",
            "Resource": [
        },        {
            "Sid": "PublicReadGetObject",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": "*",
            "Action": "s3:GetObject",
            "Resource": [
  • set CORS configuration to enable CORS
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CORSConfiguration xmlns="">
  • enable static website hosting
    • set index document and error document to s3dir.html
  • edit s3dir.html to set config variables at the top of the file
    • BUCKET_URL is the REST endpoint (e.g.
    • BUCKET_WEBSITE_URL is the web url (eg or
    • S3B_SORT is how to order the files in the dir listing
    • EXCLUDE_FILE is the name of the dir-listing file
    • set the <title> if you wish
  • upload s3dir.html to the bucket
  • go to the site to see a listing of the files in the bucket

note: if you use a custom domain and you're getting an XML response when you go to the homepage, you may have pointed your DNS record at the REST endpoint instead of the web endpoint.

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