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Last active April 3, 2018 19:06
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SmartThings Garage Controller SmartApp
* Garage Controller Service Manager (based on SONOS example)
* Copyright 2014 Stuart Allen
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
* on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
name: "Garage Controller",
namespace: "lttlrck",
author: "Stuart Allen",
description: "Garage Controller Service Manager",
category: "Safety & Security",
iconUrl: "",
iconX2Url: "")
preferences {
page(name:"garageControllerDiscovery", title:"Garage Controller Setup", content:"garageControllerDiscovery", refreshTimeout:5)
section("For too long...") {
input "maxOpenTime", "number", title: "Minutes?"
section("Text me at (optional, sends a push notification if not specified)...") {
input "phone", "phone", title: "Phone number?", required: false
def pollingTask() {
log.debug "Polling"
def devices = getChildDevices()
devices.each {
def leftDoor= it.latestState("leftDoor");
def rightDoor= it.latestState("rightDoor");
def leftValue= leftDoor.value
def rightValue= rightDoor.value
if( leftValue != "closed")
def deltaMillis = 1000 * 60 * 30//maxOpenTime
def timeAgo = new Date(now() - deltaMillis)
def openTooLong = leftDoor.dateCreated.toSystemDate() < timeAgo
if( openTooLong)
else if( rightValue != "closed")
def deltaMillis = 1000 * 60 * 30//maxOpenTime
def timeAgo = new Date(now() - deltaMillis)
def openTooLong = rightValue.dateCreated.toSystemDate() < timeAgo
if( openTooLong)
state.sentMessage= null
def sendTextMessage() {
if (!state.sentMessage)
log.debug "Garage open too long, texting $phone"
state.sentMessage= true;
def msg = "Garage has been open for more than 30 minutes!"
if (phone) {
sendSms(phone, msg)
else {
sendPush msg
def garageControllerDiscovery()
int discoveryRefreshCount = !state.discoveryRefreshCount ? 0 : state.discoveryRefreshCount as int
state.discoveryRefreshCount = discoveryRefreshCount + 1
def refreshInterval = 3
def options = garageControllersDiscovered() ?: []
def numFound = options.size() ?: 0
if(!state.subscribe) {
log.trace "subscribe to location"
subscribe(location, null, locationHandler, [filterEvents:false])
state.subscribe = true
// discovery request every 5 //25 seconds
if((discoveryRefreshCount % 8) == 0) {
//json profile request every 3 seconds except on discoveries
if(((discoveryRefreshCount % 1) == 0) && ((discoveryRefreshCount % 8) != 0)) {
return dynamicPage(name:"garageControllerDiscovery", title:"Discovery Started!", nextPage:"", refreshInterval:refreshInterval, install:true, uninstall: true) {
section("Please wait while we discover your GarageController. Discovery can take five minutes or more, so sit back and relax! Select your device below once discovered.") {
input "selectedSmartFace", "enum", required:false, title:"Select Garage Controller (${numFound} found)", multiple:true, options:options
def upgradeNeeded = """To use SmartThings Labs, your Hub should be completely up to date.
To update your Hub, access Location Settings in the Main Menu (tap the gear next to your location name), select your Hub, and choose "Update Hub"."""
return dynamicPage(name:"garageControllerDiscovery", title:"Upgrade needed!", nextPage:"", install:false, uninstall: true) {
section("Upgrade") {
paragraph "$upgradeNeeded"
private verifyGarageController() {
def devices = getSmartFace().findAll { it?.value?.verified != true }
if(devices) {
log.warn "UNVERIFIED CONTROLLERS!: $devices"
devices.each {
log.warn (it?.value)
log.warn (it?.value?.ip + ":" + it?.value?.port)
verifyGarageControllers((it?.value?.ip + ":" + it?.value?.port))
private verifyGarageControllers(String deviceNetworkId) {
log.trace "dni: $deviceNetworkId"
String ip = getHostAddress(deviceNetworkId)
log.trace "ip:" + ip
sendHubCommand(new physicalgraph.device.HubAction("""GET /GarageController/1 HTTP/1.1\r\nHOST: $ip\r\n\r\n""", physicalgraph.device.Protocol.LAN, "${deviceNetworkId}"))
private discoverGarageControllers()
//consider using other discovery methods
log.debug("Sending lan discovery urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:GarageController:1")
sendHubCommand(new physicalgraph.device.HubAction("lan discovery urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:GarageController:1", physicalgraph.device.Protocol.LAN))
Map garageControllersDiscovered() {
def v = getVerifiedGarageControllers()
log.trace "getVerifiedGarageControllers"
log.trace v
def map = [:]
v.each {
def value = "${}"
def key = it.value.ip + ":" + it.value.port
map["${key}"] = value
log.trace key
def getSmartFace()
state.smartFace = state.smartFace ?: [:]
def getVerifiedGarageControllers()
def installed() {
log.debug "Installed with settings: ${settings}"
def updated() {
log.debug "Updated with settings: ${settings}"
def uninstalled() {
def devices = getChildDevices()
log.trace "deleting ${devices.size()} GarageController"
devices.each {
def initialize() {
state.subscribe = false
if (selectedSmartFace) {
def minutes = 1//settings.interval.toInteger()
if (minutes > 0) {
// Schedule polling daemon to run every N minutes
log.trace "Scheduling polling daemon to run every ${minutes} minutes."
schedule("0 0/${minutes} * * * ?", pollingTask)
def scheduledActionsHandler() {
log.trace "scheduledActionsHandler()"
// TODO - for auto reschedule
if (!state.threeHourSchedule) {
private scheduleActions() {
def sec = Math.round(Math.floor(Math.random() * 60))
def min = Math.round(Math.floor(Math.random() * 60))
def hour = Math.round(Math.floor(Math.random() * 3))
def cron = "$sec $min $hour/3 * * ?"
log.debug "schedule('$cron', scheduledActionsHandler)"
schedule(cron, scheduledActionsHandler)
// TODO - for auto reschedule
state.threeHourSchedule = true
state.cronSchedule = cron
private syncDevices() {
log.trace "Doing smartFace Device Sync!"
//runIn(300, "doDeviceSync" , [overwrite: false]) //schedule to run again in 5 minutes
if(!state.subscribe) {
subscribe(location, null, locationHandler, [filterEvents:false])
state.subscribe = true
private refreshAll(){
log.trace "refreshAll()"
log.trace "/refreshAll()"
def addSmartFace() {
def players = getVerifiedGarageControllers()
def runSubscribe = false
selectedSmartFace.each { dni ->
def d = getChildDevice(dni)
if(!d) {
def newPlayer = players.find { (it.value.ip + ":" + it.value.port) == dni }
log.trace "newPlayer = $newPlayer"
log.trace "dni = $dni"
d = addChildDevice("lttlrck", "Garage Controller", dni, newPlayer?.value.hub, [label:"${newPlayer?} GarageController"])
log.trace "created ${d.displayName} with id $dni"
log.trace "setModel to ${newPlayer?.value.model}"
runSubscribe = true
} else {
log.trace "found ${d.displayName} with id $dni already exists"
def locationHandler(evt) {
def description = evt.description
def hub = evt?.hubId
def parsedEvent = parseEventMessage(description)
parsedEvent << ["hub":hub]
// log.trace "evt"+evt
log.trace parsedEvent
if (parsedEvent?.ssdpTerm?.contains("lttlrck:GarageController"))
// state.smartFace= [:]
log.trace "smartFace found:"+parsedEvent?.ssdpTerm
def smartFace = getSmartFace()
if (!(smartFace."${parsedEvent.ssdpUSN.toString()}"))
{ //smartFace does not exist
smartFace << ["${parsedEvent.ssdpUSN.toString()}":parsedEvent]
log.trace "smartFace:"+ smartFace
{ // update the values
log.trace "Device was already found in state..."
def d = smartFace."${parsedEvent.ssdpUSN.toString()}"
boolean deviceChangedValues = false
if(d.ip != parsedEvent.ip || d.port != parsedEvent.port) {
d.ip = parsedEvent.ip
d.port = parsedEvent.port
deviceChangedValues = true
log.trace "Device's port or ip changed..."
if (deviceChangedValues) {
def children = getChildDevices()
children.each {
if (it.getDeviceDataByName("mac") == parsedEvent.mac) {
log.trace "updating dni for device ${it} with mac ${parsedEvent.mac}"
it.setDeviceNetworkId((parsedEvent.ip + ":" + parsedEvent.port)) //could error if device with same dni already exists
else if (parsedEvent.headers && parsedEvent.body)
def headerString = new String(parsedEvent.headers.decodeBase64())
def bodyString = new String(parsedEvent.body.decodeBase64())
def type = (headerString =~ /Content-Type:.*/) ? (headerString =~ /Content-Type:.*/)[0] : null
def body
log.trace "REPONSE TYPE: $type"
log.trace "BODY TYPE: $bodyString"
if (type?.contains("json"))
body = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(bodyString)
if (body?.device?.modelName.startsWith("lttlrck"))
def sonoses = getSmartFace()
def player = sonoses.find {it?.key?.contains(body?.device?.key)}
if (player)
player.value << [name:body?.device?.name,model:body?.device?.modelName, serialNumber:body?.device?.serialNum, verified: true]
log.error "/xml/device_description.xml returned a device that didn't exist"
else if(type?.contains("json"))
{ //(application/json)
body = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(bodyString)
log.trace "GOT JSON $body"
else {
log.trace "cp desc: " + description
//log.trace description
private def parseEventMessage(Map event) {
//handles smartFace attribute events
return event
private def parseEventMessage(String description) {
def event = [:]
def parts = description.split(',')
parts.each { part ->
part = part.trim()
if (part.startsWith('devicetype:')) {
def valueString = part.split(":")[1].trim()
event.devicetype = valueString
else if (part.startsWith('mac:')) {
def valueString = part.split(":")[1].trim()
if (valueString) {
event.mac = valueString
else if (part.startsWith('networkAddress:')) {
def valueString = part.split(":")[1].trim()
if (valueString) {
event.ip = valueString
else if (part.startsWith('deviceAddress:')) {
def valueString = part.split(":")[1].trim()
if (valueString) {
event.port = valueString
else if (part.startsWith('ssdpPath:')) {
def valueString = part.split(":")[1].trim()
if (valueString) {
event.ssdpPath = valueString
else if (part.startsWith('ssdpUSN:')) {
part -= "ssdpUSN:"
def valueString = part.trim()
if (valueString) {
event.ssdpUSN = valueString
else if (part.startsWith('ssdpTerm:')) {
part -= "ssdpTerm:"
def valueString = part.trim()
if (valueString) {
event.ssdpTerm = valueString
else if (part.startsWith('headers')) {
part -= "headers:"
def valueString = part.trim()
if (valueString) {
event.headers = valueString
else if (part.startsWith('body')) {
part -= "body:"
def valueString = part.trim()
if (valueString) {
event.body = valueString
def parse(childDevice, description) {
def parsedEvent = parseEventMessage(description)
if (parsedEvent.headers && parsedEvent.body) {
def headerString = new String(parsedEvent.headers.decodeBase64())
def bodyString = new String(parsedEvent.body.decodeBase64())
log.trace "parse() - ${bodyString}"
def body = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(bodyString)
} else {
log.trace "parse - got something other than headers,body..."
return []
private Integer convertHexToInt(hex) {
private String convertHexToIP(hex) {
private getHostAddress(d) {
def parts = d.split(":")
def ip = convertHexToIP(parts[0])
def port = convertHexToInt(parts[1])
return ip + ":" + port
private Boolean canInstallLabs()
return hasAllHubsOver("000.011.00603")
private Boolean hasAllHubsOver(String desiredFirmware)
return realHubFirmwareVersions.every { fw -> fw >= desiredFirmware }
private List getRealHubFirmwareVersions()
return location.hubs*.firmwareVersionString.findAll { it }
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