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Last active September 13, 2023 14:30
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Caliper: An example of using caliper-php to send an event with custom action and context.
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use IMSGlobal\Caliper\actions\Action;
use IMSGlobal\Caliper\Client;
use IMSGlobal\Caliper\context\Context;
use IMSGlobal\Caliper\entities\agent\Person;
use IMSGlobal\Caliper\entities\agent\SoftwareApplication;
use IMSGlobal\Caliper\entities\media\MediaLocation;
use IMSGlobal\Caliper\entities\media\VideoObject;
use IMSGlobal\Caliper\events\MediaEvent;
use IMSGlobal\Caliper\Options;
use IMSGlobal\Caliper\request\HttpRequestor;
use IMSGlobal\Caliper\Sensor;
use IMSGlobal\Caliper\util;
class CustomAction extends Action {
STREAMED_TO_TIME = 'StreamedToTime';
// In order for UDP to accept a custom action, a custom context must be used.
// NOTE: If an array of context URIs is used, the serialization code in
// caliper-php gives warnings, like…
// `PHP Warning: Array to string conversion in /umich-caliper-php/src/util/BasicEnum.php on line 104`
// These are harmless, but annoying. This will be addressed in a future
// release of caliper-php.
// As a workaround to avoid warnings, use a single URI instead of
// multiple. A single, non-standard URI is good enough to indicate to UDP
// that this event is special and UDP will accept the custom action.
// Technically, the multiple context should be used here.
class CustomContext extends Context {
SINGLE = '',
__default = self::SINGLE;
$sensorId = 'umich_caliper_example';
$options = (new Options())
->setHost('' . $sensorId);
$sensor = (new Sensor($sensorId))
new Client('clientId',
$video = (new VideoObject('' .
->setName('A Highly Important Instructional Video')
->setDateCreated(new DateTime('2016-05-19'));
// Current minute and seconds as pseudorandom video time
$currentVideoTime = date('\P\Ti\Ms\S');
$event = (new MediaEvent())
// Using a subclass of Context seems like a complicated way to set context.
// Ideally, the context of events should be based on the context(s)
// of their entities.
->setContext(new CustomContext())
// Example of using multiple contexts.
// ->setContext(new CustomContext(CustomContext::MULTIPLE))
// Ideally, caliper-php should also set context on actions, but it
// doesn't. If it did, the event context could be based on the action
// context, as described above.
->setAction(new CustomAction(CustomAction::STREAMED_TO_TIME))
->setActor(new Person('' .
// The intent of the `StreamedToTime` custom action is to mark when
// the media playback reaches a quartile. There aren't any Caliper
// media entities which encode the percentage of playback (yet),
// so it can be encoded in an `extensions` property of an appropriate
// entity for now.
(new MediaLocation($video->getId() . '#currentTime=' . $currentVideoTime))
'percentage' => 0.25,
->setEdApp((new SoftwareApplication(''))
->setDateCreated(new DateTime('2015-02-09T12:25'))
* NOTE: The next few blocks of code are for debugging and demonstration
* purposes. It is not necessary for sending events.
// Makes JSON for event, but includes attributes without values
// print json_encode($event->jsonSerialize(),
// $options->getJsonEncodeOptions()) . PHP_EOL;
// Requestor-based serialization removes attributes without values and
// includes an envelope.
$requestor = new HttpRequestor($options);
$envelope = $requestor->createEnvelope($sensor, $event);
// Using `@` here suppresses warnings about context array instead of string.
// However, all other warnings are also suppressed, so be careful.
// It may be better to use a single string context instead of an array.
$payload = $requestor->serializeData($envelope);
print $payload . PHP_EOL;
* End of debugging and demonstration code.
// As above, `@` suppresses warnings about multiple contexts. Caveat emptor.
try {
@$sensor->send($sensor, $event);
} catch (\RuntimeException $sendException) {
echo 'Error sending event: ' . $sendException->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
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