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//l.sauer 2011, public domain | |
//returns a hash table with the word as index and frequency as value; good for svg / canvas -plotting or other experiments | |
//[:punct:] Punctuation symbols . , " ' ? ! ; : # $ % & ( ) * + - / < > = @ [ ] \ ^ _ { } | ~ | |
var wordcnt = function(id){ | |
var hist = {}, words = document.getElementById(id).innerText.split(/[\s*\.*\,\;\+?\#\|:\-\/\\\[\]\(\)\{\}$%&0-9*]/) | |
for( i in words) | |
if(words[i].length >1 ) | |
hist[words[i]] ? hist[words[i]]+=1 : hist[words[i]]=1; | |
return hist; | |
}; | |
wordcnt('res') //id of the Element, e.g. res is the div containing the results of a google search | |
---- | |
//Solution in one continuous line of code: | |
text.split(/[\s*\.*\,\;\+?\#\|:\-\/\\\[\]\(\)\{\}$%&0-9*]/).map( function(k,v){ words||(words={});words[k]++||(words[k]=1); } ) |
I just figured it out ...
Please update this to
for(var i in words)
because of this reason.
This gist is first link to "javascript word frequency" on google. You don't want newbies making mistakes.
This code skips over single letters like I and a and is case-sensitive, etc. Not good.
The one liner doesn't even work.
Example 1:
var hist = {}, words = 'I\'m I ice bucket I iPhone is overpriced garbage throw in a bucket Ice'.split(/[\s*\.*\,\;\+?\#\|:\-\/\\\[\]\(\)\{\}$%&0-9*]/)
for( var i in words)
if(words[i].length >1 )
hist[words[i]] ? hist[words[i]]+=1 : hist[words[i]]=1;
return hist;
Result 1:
{I'm: 1, Ice: 1, bucket: 2, garbage: 1, iPhone: 1, ice: 1, in: 1, is: 1, overpriced: 1, throw: 1}
Example 2:
'I\'m I ice bucket I iPhone is overpriced garbage throw in a bucket Ice'.split(/[\s*\.*\,\;\+?\#\|:\-\/\\\[\]\(\)\{\}$%&0-9*]/).map( function(k,v){ words||(words={});words[k]++||(words[k]=1); } )
Result 2:
[undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined]
Tested in Chrome (stable, Version 56.0.2924.87)
Original interest came from attempting to make a word counter function in one continuous line of JS code, which is somewhat possible with Array.filter and Array.map. In the end however, the passed closures disqualify the code-result for being considered continuous.