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Loughlin McSweeney loughlincodes

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junaidkbr / youtube-video-thumbnail.liquid
Created April 5, 2020 23:58
Get Youtube video thumbnail from Youtube URL in Shopify Liquid
{% comment %} We assume that we have the youtube video in form of URL {% endcomment %}
{% assign video_url = '' %}
{% assign thumbnail_url = '' %}
{% comment %} First of all, we get last part of the URL that's supposedly the Youtube Video ID {% endcomment %}
{% assign video_id = video_url | split: '/' | last %}
{% comment %} but we need strip any extra URL params {% endcomment %}
{% assign video_id = video_id | split: '?' | first %}
whoisryosuke /
Created September 17, 2019 17:38 — forked from santisbon/
Bring your feature branch up to date with master. Deploying from Git branches adds flexibility. Bring your branch up to date with master and deploy it to make sure everything works. If everything looks good the branch can be merged. Otherwise, you can deploy your master branch to return production to its stable state.

Updating a feature branch

First we'll update your local master branch. Go to your local project and check out the branch you want to merge into (your local master branch)

$ git checkout master

Fetch the remote, bringing the branches and their commits from the remote repository. You can use the -p, --prune option to delete any remote-tracking references that no longer exist in the remote. Commits to master will be stored in a local branch, remotes/origin/master

zubaer-ahammed / RunScheduler.php
Last active December 21, 2020 09:23 — forked from robbydooo/RunScheduler.php
Heroku Laravel Scheduler - Overcoming Heroku Scheduler's 10 minute minimum interval limit
* This Scheduler will run once every minute unlike the Heroku scheduler which only runs every 10 mintues.
* To use this scheduler with Laravel 5.4+ add this file to /app/Console/Commands/RunScheduler.php
* Register this file in app/Console/Kernel.php
* protected $commands = [
* ...
jhaddix / all.txt
Last active November 7, 2024 08:01
all wordlists from every dns enumeration tool... ever. Please excuse the lewd entries =/
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
joe-dempsey / richsnippet.liquid
Last active December 29, 2024 07:44
Shopify product richsnippet - structured data markup for Shopify product templates
{% assign current_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant %}
<div id="richsnippet">
<div itemscope itemtype="">
<meta itemprop="url" content="{{ shop.url }}{{ product.url }}">
<meta itemprop="image" content="{{ product.featured_image.src | img_url: 'grande' }}">
<meta itemprop="name" content="{{ product.title | escape }}">
<meta itemprop="description" content="{{ product.description | strip_html }}">
{% if product.vendor %}<meta itemprop="brand" content="{{ product.vendor }}">{% endif %}
var KlaviyoSubscribe = KlaviyoSubscribe || {};
(function() {
if (!KlaviyoSubscribe._loaded) {
KlaviyoSubscribe._loaded = !0;
var m = {
"modal.html": '<div class="klaviyo_modal" style="display:none;"><div class="klaviyo_inner"><a href="#" class="klaviyo_close_modal klaviyo_header_close">&times;</a><form action="" method="POST" novalidate="novalidate" class="klaviyo_subscription_form"><input type="hidden" name="g" value="" /><p class="klaviyo_header"></p><p class="klaviyo_subheader"></p><div class="klaviyo_fieldset"></div><div class="klaviyo_fine_print"></div><div class="klaviyo_form_actions"><button type="submit" class="klaviyo_submit_button"><span></span></button></div><div class="klaviyo_below_submit"></div><div class="error_message" style="display:none;"></div></form><div class="success_message" style="display:none;"></div></div></div>',
"flyout.html": '<div class="klaviyo_flyout" style="display:none;"><div class="klaviyo_inner"><div class="klaviyo_topbar" /><a href="#" class="klav
vluzrmos / paginate.php
Created July 20, 2016 14:31
Laravel Paginate Collection or Array
* Gera a paginação dos itens de um array ou collection.
* @param array|Collection $items
* @param int $perPage
* @param int $page
* @param array $options
* @return LengthAwarePaginator
vitorbritto /
Last active December 20, 2024 09:43
Remove MySQL completely from Mac OSX

Remove MySQL completely

  1. Open the Terminal

  2. Use mysqldump to backup your databases

  3. Check for MySQL processes with: ps -ax | grep mysql

  4. Stop and kill any MySQL processes

  5. Analyze MySQL on HomeBrew:

    brew remove mysql
maramtech-sublime / customhelper.php
Created May 22, 2014 07:17
PHP: Laravel Date Helper
use Carbon\Carbon;
function today($format=null)
$format = $format ? $format:'Y-m-d H:i:s';
return Carbon::today()->format($format);
JeffreyWay /
Created July 28, 2012 19:09
PHP: Set value if not exist

You know how, in JavaScript, we can set a value to a variable if one doesn't, like this:

name = name || 'joe';

This is quite common and very helpful. Another option is to do:

name || (name = 'joe');