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Last active November 17, 2024 21:13
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  • Save linuz90/ac969cdfe9bd92af0b306c43caee8d0c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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iOS widget to display a live visitors count with Plausible analytics and Scriptable.
// Configuration
// You'll be able to set the domain when adding/editing the widget
// Make sure the stats are public on Plausible
const namespace = args.widgetParameter || ""
const displayName = namespace.slice(0,namespace.lastIndexOf("."))
const accentColor = new Color("#CCCCCC")
// LineChart by
// Used as the widget background
class LineChart {
constructor(width, height, values) {
this.ctx = new DrawContext();
this.ctx.size = new Size(width, height);
this.values = values;
_calculatePath() {
let maxValue = Math.max(...this.values);
let minValue = Math.min(...this.values);
let difference = maxValue - minValue;
let count = this.values.length;
let step = this.ctx.size.width / (count - 1);
let points =, index, all) => {
let x = step*index;
let y = this.ctx.size.height - (current - minValue) / difference * this.ctx.size.height;
return new Point(x, y);
return this._getSmoothPath(points);
_getSmoothPath(points) {
let path = new Path();
path.move(new Point(0, this.ctx.size.height));
for(let i = 0; i < points.length-1; i++) {
let xAvg = (points[i].x + points[i+1].x) / 2;
let yAvg = (points[i].y + points[i+1].y) / 2;
let avg = new Point(xAvg, yAvg);
let cp1 = new Point((xAvg + points[i].x) / 2, points[i].y);
let next = new Point(points[i+1].x, points[i+1].y);
let cp2 = new Point((xAvg + points[i+1].x) / 2, points[i+1].y);
path.addQuadCurve(avg, cp1);
path.addQuadCurve(next, cp2);
path.addLine(new Point(this.ctx.size.width, this.ctx.size.height));
return path;
configure(fn) {
let path = this._calculatePath();
if(fn) {
fn(this.ctx, path);
} else {
return this.ctx;
// Requests
function plausibleEndpoint(key) {
return "" + namespace + key
// Today
const today = new Date()
const fmt = new DateFormatter()
fmt.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
const formatted_date = fmt.string(today)
const req = new Request(plausibleEndpoint("/main-graph?period=day&date=" + formatted_date + "&filters=%7B%7D"))
const graph = await req.loadJSON()
const todayVisitors = graph["top_stats"][0]["count"]
const chartData = graph["plot"]
// Live visits
const liveRequest = new Request(plausibleEndpoint("/current-visitors"))
const liveVisitors = await liveRequest.loadString()
// Format visitors above 1k
const formattedTodayVisitors = kFormatter(todayVisitors);
const formattedLiveVisitors = kFormatter(liveVisitors);
// Create widget
let w = new ListWidget()
w.backgroundColor = new Color("#0A0A0A");
// Use iA Writer Quattro font
// Download:
const iA = new Font("iA Writer Quattro S Regular",19);
// Show domain
t1 = w.addText(displayName);
t1.textColor = accentColor;
t1.font = iA;
t1.minimumScaleFactor = 0.1;
t1.lineLimit = 1;
// Show live visitors
const copy1 = formattedLiveVisitors + " now"
t2 = w.addText(copy1)
t2.textColor = Color.white();
t2.font = iA;
t2.minimumScaleFactor = 0.1;
t2.lineLimit = 1;
// Show today visitors
const copy2 = formattedTodayVisitors + " today"
t3 = w.addText(copy2);
t3.textColor = Color.gray();
t3.font = iA;
t3.minimumScaleFactor = 0.1;
t3.lineLimit = 1;
// Line chart
let chart = new LineChart(400, 200, chartData).configure((ctx, path) => {
ctx.opaque = false;
ctx.setFillColor(new Color("FFFFFF", .1));
w.backgroundImage = chart
if (config.runsInWidget) {
} else {
function kFormatter(num) {
if (num > 999) {
return (num / 1000).toFixed(1) + "k"
} else {
return num
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twhite96 commented May 3, 2021

This is fantastic. Thank you!

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where to add this?

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