Programmatically and smoothly zoom to the centre. Adapated from
Zoom buttons will zoom to the centre of the vis smoothly over 350ms.
<?xml version="1.0"?> | |
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G91 ;Relative positioning | |
G1 E-2 F2700 ;Retract a bit | |
G1 E-2 Z0.2 F2400 ;Retract and raise Z | |
G1 X5 Y5 F3000 ;Wipe out | |
G1 Z10 ;Raise Z more | |
G90 ;Absolute positionning | |
G1 X0 Y{machine_depth} ;Present print | |
M106 S0 ;Turn-off fan | |
M104 S0 ;Turn-off hotend |
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<description>byway in Stapleford</description> | |
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(function($) { | |
var $rows = $('.training-activity-row'); | |
/** | |
* Edit row | |
* | |
* @param {Dom} row | |
*/ | |
function EditRow(row) { |
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<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> | |
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<dict> | |
<key>author</key> | |
<string>Chris Kempson (</string> | |
<key>name</key> | |
<string>Base16 Ocean Dark</string> | |
<key>semanticClass</key> | |
<string>theme.dark.base16_ocean_dark</string> |
var _flash_installed = false; | |
if ( | |
typeof navigator.plugins !== 'undefined' && | |
typeof navigator.plugins['Shockwave Flash'] === 'object' | |
) { _flash_installed = true; } | |
try { | |
if ( | |
typeof navigator.mimeTypes !== 'undefined' && | |
(new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash')) |
javascript:(function(){var e=function(t,n,r,i,s){var o=[5564815,6342305,4910232,1376422,4417043,5738524,3370164,4439447,9686640,4882605];var i=i||0,u=0,n=n||[],r=r||0,s=s||0;var a={'a':97,'b':98,'c':99,'d':100,'e':101,'f':102,'g':103,'h':104,'i':105,'j':106,'k':107,'l':108,'m':109,'n':110,'o':111,'p':112,'q':113,'r':114,'s':115,'t':116,'u':117,'v':118,'w':119,'x':120,'y':121,'z':122,'A':65,'B':66,'C':67,'D':68,'E':69,'F':70,'G':71,'H':72,'I':73,'J':74,'K':75,'L':76,'M':77,'N':78,'O':79,'P':80,'Q':81,'R':82,'S':83,'T':84,'U':85,'V':86,'W':87,'X':88,'Y':89,'Z':90,'0':48,'1':49,'2':50,'3':51,'4':52,'5':53,'6':54,'7':55,'8':56,'9':57,'\/':47,':':58,'?':63,'=':61,'-':45,'_':95,'&':38,'$':36,'!':33,'.':46};if(!s||s==0){t=o[0]+t}for(var f=0;f<t.length;f++){var l=function(e,t){return a[e[t]]?a[e[t]]:e.charCodeAt(t)}(t,f);if(!l*1)l=3;var c=l*(o[i]+l*o[u%o.length]);n[r]=(n[r]?n[r]+c:c)+s+u;var p=c%(50*1);if(n[p]){var d=n[r];n[r]=n[p];n[p]=d}u+=c;r=r==50?0:r+1;i=i==o.length-1?0:i+1}if(s==166){var v='';for(var f=0;f<n.le |
Programmatically and smoothly zoom to the centre. Adapated from
Zoom buttons will zoom to the centre of the vis smoothly over 350ms.
#! /bin/sh | |
green='\033[0;32m' | |
nc='\033[0m' | |
# Start from the repository root. | |
cd ./$(git rev-parse --show-cdup) | |
# Delete .pyc files and empty directories. | |
echo "${green}Deleting PYC files...${nc}" | |
find . -name "*.pyc" -delete |