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Last active February 28, 2019 22:22
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How to take second derivatives with MetaPhysicL
#include "metaphysicl/dualdynamicsparsenumbervector.h"
#include <iostream>
#define VectorUnitVector DynamicSparseNumberVectorUnitVector
#define NDIM 2
using namespace MetaPhysicL;
typedef DualNumber<
DualNumber<double, DynamicSparseNumberVector<double, unsigned int>>,
DualNumber<double, DynamicSparseNumberVector<double, unsigned int>>,
unsigned int>>
typedef double RawScalar;
int main() {
typedef VectorUnitVector<NDIM, 0, RawScalar>::type XVector;
XVector xvec = VectorUnitVector<NDIM, 0, RawScalar>::value();
typedef VectorUnitVector<NDIM, 1, RawScalar>::type YVector;
YVector yvec = VectorUnitVector<NDIM, 1, RawScalar>::value();
// Construct "x" variable
SecondDerivType xn(4);
xn.value().derivatives().insert<0>() = 1;
xn.derivatives().insert<0>() = 1;
// Construct "y" variable
SecondDerivType yn(5);
yn.value().derivatives().insert<1>() = 1;
yn.derivatives().insert<1>() = 1;
auto x2y3 = xn * xn * yn * yn * yn;
#include "metaphysicl/dualnumberarray.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace MetaPhysicL;
int main() {
// DualNumber takes two typename template arguments. The first template
// argument specifies the type yielded by DualNumber<>::value(). The second
// template argument specifies the type yielded by
// DualNumber<>::derivatives(). If the second template argument is not
// provided, then it defaults to the type of the first, e.g we assume that the
// derivative and value type are the same. As a first demonstration of second
// derivative capability we will consider a single variable system. To do
// second derivatives, the only real clever bit is that we nest DualNumbers:
DualNumber<DualNumber<double>> x = 5;
// Unfortunately, calculation of first derivatives is currently redundant so
// we also have to redundantly seed them
x.derivatives().value() = 1;
x.value().derivatives() = 1;
auto x2 = x * x;
std::cout << "second derivative is " << x2.derivatives().derivatives()
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "first derivative is " << x2.derivatives().value() << std::endl;
std::cout << "first derivative again is " << x2.value().derivatives()
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "function value is " << x2.value().value() << std::endl;
// Now we'll consider a multi-variate system. The typing here probably looks
// terrifying. We want foo.value().value() to be a single scalar, while we
// want foo.value().derivatives(), foo.derivatives().value(), and
// foo.derivatives().derivatives() to all yield NumberArrays. With the below
// typing, foo.value() yields a type of DualNumber<double, NumberArray<2,
// double>>, and so consequently, foo.value().value() will yield a double and
// foo.value().derivatives() will yield a NumberArray<2, double> so that's
// what we need! foo.derivatives() yields a type of DualNumber<NumberArray<2,
// double>, NumberArray<2, double>> so foo.derivatives().value() and
// foo.derivatives().derivatives() will both yield NumberArrays like we want
// Construct "x" variable
DualNumber<DualNumber<double, NumberArray<2, double>>,
DualNumber<NumberArray<2, double>, NumberArray<2, double>>>
xn = 2;
// Here we seed the zeroth component of the first derivatives vector for our
// "x" variable
xn.derivatives().value()[0] = 1.;
xn.value().derivatives()[0] = 1.;
// Construct "y" variable
DualNumber<DualNumber<double, NumberArray<2, double>>,
DualNumber<NumberArray<2, double>, NumberArray<2, double>>>
yn = 3;
// Here we seed the first component of the first derivatives vector for our
// "y" variable
yn.derivatives().value()[1] = 1.;
yn.value().derivatives()[1] = 1.;
auto x2y3 = xn * xn * yn * yn * yn;
std::cout << "second derivatives are " << x2y3.derivatives().derivatives()
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "first derivatives are " << x2y3.derivatives().value()
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "first derivatives again are " << x2y3.value().derivatives()
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "function value is " << x2y3.value().value() << std::endl;
// Finally let's look at how to obtain cross-derivatives! Courtesy @roystgnr for the typing
// Construct "x" variable
DualNumber<DualNumber<double, NumberArray<2, double>>,
NumberArray<2, DualNumber<double, NumberArray<2, double>>>>
xc = 4;
// Here we seed the zeroth component of the first derivatives vector for our
// "x" variable
xc.derivatives()[0].value() = 1.;
xc.value().derivatives()[0] = 1.;
// Construct "y" variable
DualNumber<DualNumber<double, NumberArray<2, double>>,
NumberArray<2, DualNumber<double, NumberArray<2, double>>>>
yc = 5;
// Here we seed the first component of the first derivatives vector for our
// "y" variable
yc.derivatives()[1].value() = 1.;
yc.value().derivatives()[1] = 1.;
auto x2y3c = xc * xc * yc * yc * yc;
std::cout << "xx derivative is " << x2y3c.derivatives()[0].derivatives()[0]
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "xy derivative is " << x2y3c.derivatives()[0].derivatives()[1]
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "yx derivative is " << x2y3c.derivatives()[1].derivatives()[0]
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "yy derivative is " << x2y3c.derivatives()[1].derivatives()[1]
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "first derivatives are {" << x2y3c.derivatives()[0].value()
<< "," << x2y3c.derivatives()[1].value() << "}" << std::endl;
std::cout << "first derivatives again are " << x2y3c.value().derivatives()
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "function value is " << x2y3c.value().value() << std::endl;
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lindsayad commented Feb 13, 2019

Output of above code:

second derivative is 2
first derivative is 10
first derivative again is 10
function value is 25
second derivatives are {54,72}
first derivatives are {108,108}
first derivatives again are {108,108}
function value is 108
xx derivative is 250
xy derivative is 600
yx derivative is 600
yy derivative is 480
first derivatives are {1000,1200}
first derivatives again are {1000,1200}
function value is 2000

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