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Created April 22, 2016 05:24
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regex perf test
$ g++ -Wall -O2 -std=c++11 -o regex_test_perf regex_test_perf.cpp stopwatch.hpp
$ ./regex_test_perf.exe
[regex e1 ] resume...
[regex e1 ] paused. 0m00.306s / 306.031 x 1/1000s
[regex e2 ] resume...
[regex e2 ] paused. 0m00.144s / 144.014 x 1/1000s
[string find ] resume...
[string find ] paused. 0m00.014s / 14.001 x 1/1000s
[regex e1 ] resume...
[regex e1 ] paused. 0m00.601s / 601.061 x 1/1000s
[regex e2 ] resume...
[regex e2 ] paused. 0m00.283s / 283.028 x 1/1000s
[string find ] resume...
[string find ] paused. 0m00.028s / 28.003 x 1/1000s
[regex e1 ] resume...
[regex e1 ] paused. 0m00.900s / 900.091 x 1/1000s
[regex e2 ] resume...
[regex e2 ] paused. 0m00.432s / 432.043 x 1/1000s
[string find ] resume...
[string find ] paused. 0m00.041s / 41.004 x 1/1000s
[regex e1 ] resume...
[regex e1 ] paused. 0m01.215s / 1215.122 x 1/1000s
[regex e2 ] resume...
[regex e2 ] paused. 0m00.578s / 578.057 x 1/1000s
[string find ] resume...
[string find ] paused. 0m00.054s / 54.005 x 1/1000s
[regex e1 ] resume...
[regex e1 ] paused. 0m01.505s / 1505.151 x 1/1000s
[regex e2 ] resume...
[regex e2 ] paused. 0m00.714s / 714.070 x 1/1000s
[string find ] resume...
[string find ] paused. 0m00.067s / 67.006 x 1/1000s
[regex e1 ] resume...
[regex e1 ] paused. 0m01.795s / 1795.180 x 1/1000s
[regex e2 ] resume...
[regex e2 ] paused. 0m00.853s / 853.084 x 1/1000s
[string find ] resume...
[string find ] paused. 0m00.080s / 80.007 x 1/1000s
[regex e1 ] resume...
[regex e1 ] paused. 0m02.082s / 2082.208 x 1/1000s
[regex e2 ] resume...
[regex e2 ] paused. 0m00.994s / 994.098 x 1/1000s
[string find ] resume...
[string find ] paused. 0m00.093s / 93.008 x 1/1000s
[regex e1 ] resume...
[regex e1 ] paused. 0m02.374s / 2374.237 x 1/1000s
[regex e2 ] resume...
[regex e2 ] paused. 0m01.134s / 1134.112 x 1/1000s
[string find ] resume...
[string find ] paused. 0m00.106s / 106.009 x 1/1000s
[regex e1 ] resume...
[regex e1 ] paused. 0m02.663s / 2663.266 x 1/1000s
[regex e2 ] resume...
[regex e2 ] paused. 0m01.274s / 1274.126 x 1/1000s
[string find ] resume...
[string find ] paused. 0m00.119s / 119.010 x 1/1000s
[regex e1 ] resume...
[regex e1 ] paused. 0m02.962s / 2962.296 x 1/1000s
[regex e2 ] resume...
[regex e2 ] paused. 0m01.423s / 1423.141 x 1/1000s
[string find ] resume...
[string find ] paused. 0m00.132s / 132.012 x 1/1000s
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <regex>
#include "stopwatch.hpp"
int main()
std::string str("employee address:5432, 5F, build #1, some drive, state, city, zip");
std::regex e1 ("(.+):(.+)");
std::regex e2 ("([^:]+):([^:]+)");
std::smatch sm;
std::string key;
std::string value;
size_t pos;
stopwatch<double> time_e1("regex e1");
stopwatch<double> time_e2("regex e2");
stopwatch<double> time_find("string find");
for (size_t cnt = 0; cnt < 10; ++cnt)
for (size_t i = 0; i < 100000; ++i)
std::regex_match(str, sm, e1);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 100000; ++i)
std::regex_match(str, sm, e2);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 100000; ++i)
pos = str.find(':');
key = str.substr(0, pos);
value = str.substr(pos + 1);
return 0;
// Stopwatch - measure accurate time
// Mingjie Li ([email protected])
// Mar 14, 2014
// Compiled with
// - MinGW g++ 4.8.2
// - Visual Studio Express 2013
#include <chrono> // clock, duration, time_point
#include <ratio> // ratio
#include <string> // string
#include <iostream> // cerr
#include <iomanip> // fmt
// stopwatch - Measure execution time of function or any piece of code.
// Prerequisite - c++11 library <chrono>
// - Measure function execution time
// void function()
// {
// stopwatch<double> time("name"); // stopwatch starts
// [Some Code]
// } // stopwatch stops since out of scope.
// - Measure execution time of certain code
// // stopwatch declared and paused
// stopwatch<> *time = new stopwatch<>("name");
// while (true)
// {
// time->start();
// [Some Logic]
// time->pause();
// [Console Output]
// time->resume();
// [Other Logic]
// time->stop();
// [Console Output]
// }
// delete time; // stopwatch stops by explicitly calling destructor.
template <typename T = int, typename R = std::milli>
class stopwatch
typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock hr_clock;
typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::duration hr_duration;
typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point hr_time_point;
enum state_type
std::string _name;
bool _ticking;
hr_duration _duration; // sum(pause - resume)
hr_time_point _time_point; // Last time that starts ticking
stopwatch(std::string name = "stopwatch")
_name = name;
_ticking = false;
virtual ~stopwatch()
void reset()
if (_ticking)
_duration = hr_duration::zero();
void start()
_ticking = true;
_time_point = hr_clock::now();
void pause()
if (_ticking)
_duration += hr_clock::now() - _time_point;
_ticking = false;
void resume()
if (!_ticking)
_ticking = true;
_time_point = hr_clock::now();
void stop()
if (_ticking)
_duration += hr_clock::now() - _time_point;
_ticking = false;
void print(state_type state)
using namespace std;
using namespace std::chrono;
ios::fmtflags fmt(cerr.flags()); // keep cerr format
// Print stopwatch name, e.g.
// stopwatch [name ]
cerr << "[" << left << setw(16) << _name << right << "]";
if (state == state_start)
cerr << " starts...";
else if (state == state_resume)
cerr << " resume...";
unsigned long long min, sec, msec, usec;
// Default duration
usec = duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(_duration).count();
// Roundup usec to msec
usec += 500ULL;
// 0m00.000s
min = usec / 60000000ULL;
sec = (usec / 1000000ULL) % 60ULL;
msec = (usec / 1000ULL) % 1000ULL;
// Duration specified by template.
T ticks = duration_cast<duration<T, R>>(_duration).count();
// Print execution time, e.g.
// elapsed 0m11.621s / 11620.665 ticks of 1/1000s
if (state == state_pause)
cerr << " paused. ";
else if (state == state_stop)
cerr << " done. ";
cerr << setw(3) << min << "m"
<< setfill('0')
<< setw(2) << sec << "."
<< setw(3) << msec << "s / "
<< setfill(' ')
<< setprecision(3) << fixed
<< setw(12) << ticks << " x "
<< R::num << '/' << R::den << "s";
cerr << endl;
cerr.flags(fmt); // restore cerr format
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