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Last active January 20, 2021 23:33
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public class BookHandler {
private static final String ID_PARAMETER = "id";
private static final String PAGE_PARAMETER = "page";
private static final String LIMIT_PARAMETER = "limit";
private final BookService bookService;
public BookHandler(BookService bookService) {
this.bookService = bookService;
* Read all books
* It should return 200 OK in case of success
* It should return 400 Bad Request, 404 Not Found or 500 Internal Server Error in case of failure
* @param rc Routing context
* @return BookGetAllResponse
public Future<BookGetAllResponse> readAll(RoutingContext rc) {
final String page = rc.queryParams().get(PAGE_PARAMETER);
final String limit = rc.queryParams().get(LIMIT_PARAMETER);
return bookService.readAll(page, limit)
.onSuccess(success -> ResponseUtils.buildOkResponse(rc, success))
.onFailure(throwable -> ResponseUtils.buildErrorResponse(rc, throwable));
* Read one book
* It should return 200 OK in case of success
* It should return 400 Bad Request, 404 Not Found or 500 Internal Server Error in case of failure
* @param rc Routing context
* @return BookGetByIdResponse
public Future<BookGetByIdResponse> readOne(RoutingContext rc) {
final String id = rc.pathParam(ID_PARAMETER);
return bookService.readOne(Integer.parseInt(id))
.onSuccess(success -> ResponseUtils.buildOkResponse(rc, success))
.onFailure(throwable -> ResponseUtils.buildErrorResponse(rc, throwable));
* Create one book
* It should return 201 Created in case of success
* It should return 400 Bad Request, 404 Not Found or 500 Internal Server Error in case of failure
* @param rc Routing context
* @return BookGetByIdResponse
public Future<BookGetByIdResponse> create(RoutingContext rc) {
final Book book = rc.getBodyAsJson().mapTo(Book.class);
return bookService.create(book)
.onSuccess(success -> ResponseUtils.buildCreatedResponse(rc, success))
.onFailure(throwable -> ResponseUtils.buildErrorResponse(rc, throwable));
* Update one book
* It should return 200 OK in case of success
* It should return 400 Bad Request, 404 Not Found or 500 Internal Server Error in case of failure
* @param rc Routing context
* @return BookGetByIdResponse
public Future<BookGetByIdResponse> update(RoutingContext rc) {
final String id = rc.pathParam(ID_PARAMETER);
final Book book = rc.getBodyAsJson().mapTo(Book.class);
return bookService.update(Integer.parseInt(id), book)
.onSuccess(success -> ResponseUtils.buildOkResponse(rc, success))
.onFailure(throwable -> ResponseUtils.buildErrorResponse(rc, throwable));
* Delete one book
* It should return 204 No Content in case of success
* It should return 400 Bad Request, 404 Not Found or 500 Internal Server Error in case of failure
* @param rc Routing context
* @return BookGetByIdResponse
public Future<Void> delete(RoutingContext rc) {
final String id = rc.pathParam(ID_PARAMETER);
return bookService.delete(Integer.parseInt(id))
.onSuccess(success -> ResponseUtils.buildNoContentResponse(rc))
.onFailure(throwable -> ResponseUtils.buildErrorResponse(rc, throwable));
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