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Created February 12, 2009 06:11
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module Main
import Data.List
import Text.Printf
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.MC
-- runGame returns True if Bob rolls a 6 on his second turn
-- Sue cannot roll a 6 or the premise of the problem is invalid.
-- Therefore don't even model her rolls.
runGame :: MC Bool
runGame = do
turns <- (sequence.repeat) runTurn
return $ elemIndex True turns == Just 1
runTurn :: MC Bool
runTurn = do
roll <- sample 6 [1..6]
return $ roll == 6
runGames :: Int -> MC (Double,Double)
runGames n = do
xs <- replicateM n runGame
let m = length $ filter id xs
p = toDouble m / toDouble n
se = sqrt (p * (1 - p) / toDouble n)
return (4*p, 4*se)
toDouble = realToFrac . toInteger
main = let
n = 100
seed = 0
(mu,se) = evalMC (runGames n) $ mt19937 seed
delta = 2.575*se
(l,u) = (mu-delta, mu+delta)
in do
printf "Estimate: %g\n" mu
printf "99%% Confidence Interval: (%g,%g)\n" l u
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