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Created June 15, 2020 03:38
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Downloads NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day and displays it as the background using feh
#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run, --allow-env --allow-write=${HOME}/.apodwallpaper --allow-run
// Filename: apod.ts
// Purposes: Downloads NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day and displays it as the background using feh
// Author(s): Nikolay "Lierdakil" Yakimov
// !!! Replace this with your NASA API key; go to to get one
const api_key = 'DEMO_KEY'
// Read home variable
const home = Deno.env.get('HOME')
if(home == undefined) {
throw new Error('$HOME undefined')
// Create directory
const apod_dir = `${home}/.apodwallpaper`
try {
await Deno.mkdir(apod_dir)
} catch (e) {
if ( !== 'AlreadyExists') {
throw e
// Get random record
const response = await fetch(`${api_key}&count=1`)
const result = await response.json()
// Get image url
const hdurl = result[0].hdurl
// Fetch image
const response_img = await fetch(hdurl)
const result_img = await response_img.blob()
const ext = hdurl.match(/\.([^.]*)$/)[1]
const apod_file = `${home}/.apodwallpaper/apod.${ext}`
// Save image
await Deno.writeFile(apod_file, new Deno.Buffer(await result_img.arrayBuffer()).bytes())
// Run feh
const proc ={
cmd: ['feh', '--no-xinerama', '--bg-fill', apod_file],
stderr: 'inherit',
stdout: 'inherit',
await proc.status()
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