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Created December 5, 2022 11:21
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Code snippet to save Postman path variables as local variables. These variables can then be consumed in a request body or test.
* Store path variables in a local variable, <collection variable: $pathVariablePrefix><path variable name>.
// Get all path variables for use in the request body.
let pathVariables = pm.request.url.variables.all();
if (pathVariables.length > 0) {
let pathVariablePrefix = pm.collectionVariables.get('$pathVariablePrefix');
// Loop through the path variables and build out an associative array of [key] = value.
pathVariables.forEach((variable) => {
// Define the local variable name.
let variableName = pathVariablePrefix + variable.key;
// Set the value and log it in the console for debugging purposes.
pm.variables.set(variableName, variable.value);
console.log(`Added, "${variableName}" for path var "${variable.key}"`, variable.value);
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