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{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Poptics where
import Prelude hiding (traverse)
import Control.Category ((>>>))
import Control.Applicative (liftA2, Const (..))
import Control.Arrow ((&&&), (|||), (***))
newtype State s a = State { run :: s -> (a,s)}
instance Functor (State s) where
fmap f m = State (\s -> let (x, s') = run m s in (f x, s'))
instance Applicative (State s) where
pure x = State (\s -> (x,s))
m <*> n =
State (\s -> let (f, s') = run m s
(x, s'') = run n s'
in (f x, s''))
data Tree a
= Empty | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)
deriving Show
inorder :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Tree a -> f (Tree b)
inorder m Empty = pure Empty
inorder m (Node l x r) = Node <$> inorder m l <*> m x <*> inorder m r
inc :: Bool -> State Integer Bool
inc b = State $ \n -> (b, n + 1)
countOdd :: Integer -> State Integer Bool
countOdd n = if even n then pure False else inc True
ct :: Tree Integer -> State Integer (Tree Bool)
ct = inorder countOdd
-- | equivalent to a traversable S represented as
-- exists n. A^n x (B^n -> T)
-- where exponentials don't stand for functions, but for
-- size of containers A and B
data FunList a b t = Done t | More a (FunList a b (b -> t))
-- | these two fns witness the isomorphism between
-- FunList A B T and T + (A x (FunList A B (B -> T)))
out :: FunList a b t -> Either t (a, FunList a b (b -> t))
out (Done t) = Left t
out (More x l) = Right (x, l)
inn :: Either t (a, FunList a b (b -> t)) -> FunList a b t
inn (Left t) = Done t
inn (Right (x, l)) = More x l
-- a traversal takes an effectful computation A -> F B onto the
-- elements of a container, lifting this to an effectful computation
-- S -> F T over the whole container. A container S with elements of type A
-- is traversable when B, T and (A -> F B) -> (S -> F T) exist forall Functor F
-- the above function yields an isomorphism S <-> FunList A B T
instance Functor (FunList a b) where
fmap f (Done t) = Done (f t)
fmap f (More x l) = More x (fmap (f.) l)
instance Applicative (FunList a b) where
pure = Done
Done f <*> l' = fmap f l'
More x l <*> l' = More x (fmap flip l <*> l')
singleton :: a -> FunList a b b
singleton x = More x (Done id)
-- the above can be seen as a "monoid" for FunList: empty, map, concat
-- | retrieve the traversable container from the FunList:
fuse :: FunList b b t -> t
fuse (Done t) = t
fuse (More x l) = fuse l x
newtype Traversal a b s t = Traversal { extract :: s -> FunList a b t}
-- extract the in-order sequence of elements from the tree,
-- and also allow to refill with a new sequence of elements
inorderC :: Traversal a b (Tree a) (Tree b)
inorderC = Traversal (inorder singleton)
-- do these mean anything?
y :: Tree b -> Tree b
y = fuse . extract inorderC
x :: Traversal (State Integer Bool) b (Tree Integer) (Tree b)
x = Traversal $ inorder (singleton . countOdd)
class Profunctor p where
dimap :: (a' -> a) -> (b -> b') -> p a b -> p a' b'
-- | f can be understood as a preprocessor (which is why it's contravariant:
-- has to output whatever h expects,) and g is a post-processor
-- (which is why it's covariant, it takes what h produces)
instance Profunctor (->) where
dimap f g h = f >>> h >>> g
-- Any functor can lift to a profunctor via @UpStar@
-- | The `profunctors` lib calls this @Star@
newtype UpStar f a b = UpStar {unUpStar :: a -> f b}
instance Functor f => Profunctor (UpStar f) where
dimap f g (UpStar h) = UpStar (fmap g . h . f)
--- lil' goblin example:
isEvenF :: Integer -> (Bool, Integer)
isEvenF n = (even n, n)
upstarEven :: UpStar ((,) Bool) Integer Integer
upstarEven = UpStar isEvenF
z :: (Num b, Integral a) => UpStar ((,) Bool) a b
z =
dimap a' b' upstarEven
a' = (3+) . toInteger
b' = fromIntegral . (+2)
--- >>> z' 3
-- (True,8)
z' :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> (Bool, b)
z'= unUpStar z
-- dual of UpStar:
newtype CoStar f a b = CoStar {unCoStar :: f a -> b}
instance Functor f => Profunctor (CoStar f) where
dimap f g (CoStar h) = CoStar (g . h . fmap f)
-- lil goblin example:
costarHead :: CoStar [] b b
costarHead = CoStar head
-- >>> (unCoStar toHead) ["Luis", "Tina"]
-- "Hello Luis, and goodbye"
toHead :: CoStar [] String String
toHead =
dimap a' b' costarHead
a' = ("Hello "<>)
b' = (<>", and goodbye")
-- | Strength with respect to product types.
-- @profunctors@ calls this @Strong@,
-- also says it's the "generalizing Star of a strong Functor"
class Profunctor p => Cartesian p where
first :: p a b -> p (a,c) (b,c)
second :: p a b -> p (c,a) (c,b)
instance Cartesian (->) where
first h = cross h id
second h = cross id h
cross :: (t1 -> a) -> (t2 -> b) -> (t1, t2) -> (a, b)
cross f g (a,b) = (f a, g b)
-- >>> feven (2, "hello")
-- (True,"hello")
feven :: (Integer, c) -> (Bool, c)
feven = first even
instance Functor f => Cartesian (UpStar f) where
first (UpStar u) = UpStar (rstrength . cross u id)
second (UpStar u) = UpStar (lstrength . cross id u)
rstrength :: Functor f => (f a, b) -> f (a, b)
rstrength (fx, y) = fmap (,y) fx
lstrength :: Functor f => (a, f b) -> f (a, b)
lstrength (x, fy) = fmap (x,) fy
-- lil goblin example:
-- >>> (unUpStar zStar) (3, "ignored")
-- (False,(3,"ignored"))
zStar :: UpStar ((,) Bool) (Integer, c) (Integer, c)
zStar = first upstarEven
-- | Known in @profunctors@ as @Choice@,
-- "generalizing CoStar of a Functor that's strong in Either"
class Profunctor p => CoCartesian p where
left :: p a b -> p (Either a c) (Either b c)
right :: p a b -> p (Either c a) (Either c b)
instance CoCartesian (->) where
left h = plus h id
right h = plus id h
plus :: (t1 -> a) -> (t2 -> b) -> Either t1 t2 -> Either a b
plus f g (Left x) = Left (f x)
plus f g (Right x) = Right (g x)
-- -- NOTE(luis), I have no idea how to implement CoCartesian
-- for CoStar... how the heck is a functor "strong with respect to
-- either"???????
-- sumLStrength :: Applicative f => Either (f a) b -> f (Either a b)
-- sumLStrength (Left fx) = fmap Left fx
-- sumLStrength (Right y) = pure (Right y)
-- sumRStrength :: Applicative f => Either a (f b) -> f (Either a b)
-- sumRStrength (Left x) = pure (Left x)
-- sumRStrength (Right fy) = fmap Right fy
-- --strengthl :: Functor f => f (Either a b) -> Either (f a) b
-- --strengthl fa = undefined
-- instance Applicative f => CoCartesian (CoStar f) where
-- left (CoStar c) = CoStar (strengthl . c) --(strengthl . plus c id)
-- even though @Profunctors@ claims that Choice (CoCartesian)
-- is "the Costar for Functors strong in Either," the paper says that
-- "there's no dual construction for functions with structured arguments"
instance Applicative f => CoCartesian (UpStar f) where
left (UpStar u) = UpStar (either (fmap Left . u) (pure . Right))
right (UpStar u) = UpStar (either (pure . Left) (fmap Right . u))
class Profunctor p => Monoidal p where
par :: p a b -> p c d -> p (a, c) (b, d)
empty :: p () ()
instance Monoidal (->) where
par = cross
empty = id
instance Applicative f => Monoidal (UpStar f) where
empty = UpStar pure
par h k = UpStar $ pair (unUpStar h) (unUpStar k)
pair :: Applicative f => (t1 -> f a1) -> (t2 -> f a2) -> (t1, t2) -> f (a1, a2)
pair h k (x,y) = (,) <$> h x <*> k y
--instance Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> (c -> f d) -> (a, c) -> f (b, d)
type Optic p a b s t = p a b -> p s t
data Adapter a b s t = Adapter {from :: s -> a, to :: b -> t}
type AdapterP a b s t = forall p. Profunctor p => Optic p a b s t
adapterC2P :: Adapter a b s t -> AdapterP a b s t
adapterC2P (Adapter o i) = dimap o i
instance Profunctor (Adapter a b) where
dimap f g (Adapter o i) = Adapter (o .f) (g . i)
adapterP2C :: AdapterP a b s t -> Adapter a b s t
adapterP2C l = l (Adapter id id)
-- goblin:
c' :: Adapter Bool Bool Integer Integer
c' = Adapter even (\b -> if b then 1 else 0)
--c2p :: Optic AdapterP Bool Bool Integer Integer
c2p :: Profunctor p => Optic p Bool Bool Integer Integer
c2p = adapterC2P c'
p2c :: Adapter Bool Bool Integer Integer
p2c = adapterP2C c2p
data Lens a b s t = Lens {view :: s -> a, update :: (b,s) -> t}
type LensP a b s t = forall p. Cartesian p => Optic p a b s t
instance Profunctor (Lens a b) where
dimap f g (Lens v u) = Lens (f >>> v) (cross id f >>> u >>> g)
-- NOTE(luis) the fanout operator (&&&) is used here, but the paper calls for
-- a fork function that is equivalent: fork f g x = (f x, g x)
instance Cartesian (Lens a b) where
first (Lens v u) = Lens (fst >>> v) ((cross id fst >>> u) &&& (snd >>> snd))
second (Lens v u) = Lens (snd >>> v) ((snd >>> fst) &&& (cross id snd >>> u))
lensC2P :: Lens a b s t -> LensP a b s t
lensC2P (Lens v u) = first >>> dimap (v &&& id) u
lensP2C :: LensP a b s t -> Lens a b s t
lensP2C l = l (Lens id fst)
-- goblin
data Goblin = Goblin {name :: String, age :: Integer}
nameL :: Lens String String Goblin Goblin
nameL = Lens name (\(newName, g) -> g{name = newName})
nameLP :: Cartesian p => Optic p String String Goblin Goblin
nameLP = lensC2P nameL
-- >>> (view nameL) aGoblin
-- "timby"
-- but how to use the profunctor version??
aGoblin :: Goblin
aGoblin = Goblin "timby" 42
data Prism a b s t = Prism {match :: s -> Either t a, build :: b -> t}
type PrismP a b s t = forall p. CoCartesian p => Optic p a b s t
instance Profunctor (Prism a b) where
dimap f g (Prism m b) = Prism (f >>> m >>> plus g id) (b >>> g)
instance CoCartesian (Prism a b) where
left (Prism m b) = Prism (either (m >>> plus Left id) (Right >>> Left)) (b >>> Left)
right (Prism m b) = Prism (either (Left >>> Left) (m >>> plus Right id)) (b >>> Right)
prismC2P :: Prism a b s t -> PrismP a b s t
prismC2P (Prism m b) = right >>> dimap m (either id b)
prismP2C :: PrismP a b s t -> Prism a b s t
prismP2C l = l (Prism Right id)
--data Traversal a b s t = Traversal {extract :: s -> FunList a b t}
traverse :: (CoCartesian p, Monoidal p) => p a b -> p (FunList a c t) (FunList b c t)
traverse k = dimap out inn (right $ par k (traverse k))
type TraversalP a b s t = forall p. (Cartesian p, CoCartesian p, Monoidal p) => Optic p a b s t
traversalC2P :: Traversal a b s t -> TraversalP a b s t
traversalC2P (Traversal h) k = dimap h fuse (traverse k)
instance Profunctor (Traversal a b) where
dimap f g (Traversal h) = Traversal (f >>> h >>> fmap g)
instance Cartesian (Traversal a b) where
first (Traversal h) = Traversal (\(s,c) -> fmap (,c) (h s))
second (Traversal h) = Traversal (\(c,s) -> fmap (c,) (h s))
instance CoCartesian (Traversal a b) where
left (Traversal h) = Traversal $ either (h >>> fmap Left) (Right >>> Done)
right (Traversal h) = Traversal $ either (Left >>> Done) (h >>> fmap Right)
instance Monoidal (Traversal a b) where
par (Traversal h) (Traversal k) = Traversal (pair h k)
empty = Traversal pure
traversalP2C :: TraversalP a b s t -> Traversal a b s t
traversalP2C l = l (Traversal singleton)
traverseOf :: TraversalP a b s t -> (forall f. Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t)
traverseOf p f = unUpStar (p (UpStar f))
pair1 :: Lens a b (a,c) (b,c)
pair1 =
Lens v u
v (a, c)= a
u (b, (a,c)) = (b,c)
_1_1 :: Lens a b ((a,c),d) ((b,c),d)
_1_1 =
Lens v u
v ((a,c),d) = a
u (b, ((a,c),d)) = ((b,c),d)
pair1P' ::LensP a b (a, c) (b, c)
pair1P' = lensC2P pair1
type LensVL a b s t = forall f. Functor f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
lens :: (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> LensVL a b s t
lens sa sbt afb s = sbt s <$> afb (sa s)
_1VL :: LensVL a b (a,c) (b,c)
_1VL =
lens v u
v (a,c) = a
u (a,c) b = (b,c)
_1_1VL :: LensVL a b ((a,c),d) ((b,c),d)
_1_1VL = _1VL . _1VL
--- | NOTE(luis) the paper of course doesn't use any Arrow operators here,
--- I just found it interesting how fanout and split seem to fit right at
-- home here.
pair1P :: LensP a b (a,c) (b,c)
pair1P = first >>> dimap (fst &&& id) (second snd)--- same as: (id *** snd) or (cross id snd)
-- trivial lens composition (the record/concrete representation is much harder to compose)
pairP11 :: LensP a b ((a,c),d) ((b,c),d)
pairP11 = pair1P . pair1P
the :: Prism a b (Maybe a) (Maybe b)
the =
Prism m b
m Nothing = Left Nothing
m (Just a) = Right a
b b' = Just b'
theP' :: PrismP a b (Maybe a) (Maybe b)
theP' = prismC2P the
theP :: PrismP a b (Maybe a) (Maybe b)
theP = right >>> dimap (maybe (Left Nothing) Right) (either id Just)
-- combination of optics: neither of these are purely a lens or a prism!
-- | Thanks to:
-- and:
data AffineTraversal a b s t = AffineTraversal { preview :: s -> Either t a, set :: (b,s) -> t}
_the_1 :: AffineTraversal a b (Maybe (a,c)) (Maybe (b,c))
_the_1 =
AffineTraversal p s
p Nothing = Left Nothing
p (Just (a,c)) = Right a
s (b, Just (a,c)) = Just (b,c)
s (b, Nothing) = Nothing
_1_the :: AffineTraversal a b (Maybe a, c) (Maybe b, c)
_1_the =
AffineTraversal p s
p (Nothing, c) = Left (Nothing, c)
p (Just a, c) = Right a
s (b, (Just a, c)) = (Just b,c)
s (b, (Nothing,c)) = (Nothing, c)
type AffineTraversalP a b s t = forall p. (Cartesian p, CoCartesian p) => Optic p a b s t
-- optic onto the first component of an optional pair:
-- using the profunctor instance of functions to act onto a lens:
-- >>> thePP1 (^2) (Just (3, True))
-- Just (9,True)
thePP1 :: AffineTraversalP a b (Maybe (a, c)) (Maybe (b, c))
thePP1 = pair1P >>> theP
-- optic onto the optional first component of a pair:
-- >>> p1The (^2) (Just 2, False)
-- (Just 4,False)
p1The :: AffineTraversalP a b (Maybe a, c) (Maybe b, c)
p1The = theP >>> pair1P
type PrismVL a b s t = forall p f. (CoCartesian p, Applicative f) => p a (f b) -> p s (f t)
prism :: (s -> Either t a) -> (b -> t) -> PrismVL a b s t
prism seta bt = dimap seta (either pure (fmap bt)) . right
theVL :: PrismVL a b (Maybe a) (Maybe b)
theVL =
prism m b
m Nothing = Left Nothing
m (Just a) = Right a
b b' = Just b'
type TraversalVL a b s t = forall f. Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
the_1VL :: TraversalVL a b (Maybe (a, c)) (Maybe (b, c))
the_1VL = theVL . _1VL
_1_theVL :: TraversalVL a b (Maybe a, c) (Maybe b,c)
_1_theVL = _1VL . theVL
class Pointed p where
point :: a -> p a
type PrismVL' a b s t = forall p f. (CoCartesian p, Functor f, Pointed f) => p a (f b) -> p s (f t)
prism' :: (s -> Either t a) -> (b -> t) -> PrismVL' a b s t
prism' seta bt = dimap seta (either point (fmap bt)) . right
theVL' :: PrismVL' a b (Maybe a) (Maybe b)
prism' m b
m Nothing = Left Nothing
m (Just a) = Right a
b b' = Just b'
type AffineTraversalVL a b s t = forall f. (Functor f, Pointed f) => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
_the_1VL' :: AffineTraversalVL a b (Maybe (a, c)) (Maybe (b, c))
_the_1VL' = theVL' . _1VL
_1_theVL' :: AffineTraversalVL a b (Maybe a, c) (Maybe b, c)
_1_theVL' = _1VL . theVL'
inorderP :: TraversalP a b (Tree a) (Tree b)
inorderP = traversalC2P inorderC
--- the above can be composed with other optics:
firstInLeafPairs :: TraversalP a b (Tree (a,c)) (Tree (b,c))
firstInLeafPairs = pair1P >>> inorderP
---optionalLeaf :: TraversalP a b (Tree (Maybe a)) (Tree (Maybe b))
---optionalLeaf :: Prism a b (Maybe a) c
optionalLeaf :: TraversalP a b (Tree (Maybe a)) (Tree (Maybe b))
optionalLeaf = theP >>> inorderP
--- can turn an optic into a traversal
--- >>> run (traverseOf firstInLeafPairs countOdd tree1) 0
-- (Node (Node Empty (True,"hello") Empty) (False,"goodbye") (Node Empty (True,"hi again") Empty),2)
--- >>> run (traverseOf optionalLeaf countOdd tree2) 0
-- (Node (Node Empty (Just True) Empty) (Just False) (Node Empty Nothing Empty),1)
tree1 :: Tree (Integer, [Char])
tree1 = Node (Node Empty (1,"hello") Empty) (2, "goodbye") (Node Empty (3,"hi again") Empty)
tree2 :: Tree (Maybe Integer)
tree2 = Node (Node Empty (Just 1) Empty) (Just 2) (Node Empty (Nothing) Empty)
-- another example
type Number = String
type ID = String
type Name = String
data Contact = Phone Number | Skype ID
data Entry = Entry Name Contact
type Book = Tree Entry
phone :: PrismP Number Number Contact Contact
phone = prismC2P (Prism m Phone) where
m (Phone n) = Right n
m (Skype s) = Left (Skype s)
contact :: LensP Contact Contact Entry Entry
contact = lensC2P (Lens v u) where
v (Entry n c) = c
u (c', Entry n c) = Entry n c'
-- | interesting that this is chosen as a traversal vs "just an optic?" in the paper?
contactPhone :: (Cartesian p, CoCartesian p) => Optic p Number Number Entry Entry--TraversalP Number Number Entry Entry
contactPhone = --phone >>> contact
bookPhones :: TraversalP Number Number Book Book
bookPhones = inorderP.contactPhone --phone >>> contact >>> inorderP
tidyNumber :: Number -> Number
tidyNumber = id
tidyBook :: Book -> Book
tidyBook = bookPhones tidyNumber
output :: Number -> IO Number
output n = print n >> pure n
printBook :: Book -> IO Book
printBook = traverseOf bookPhones output
listBookPhones :: Book -> [Number]
listBookPhones = getConst . traverseOf bookPhones (Const . (: []))
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