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Forked from ryanflorence/
Created February 2, 2012 20:09
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events =
events: {}
bind: (topic, handler, context = this) ->
(@events[topic] ||= []).push { handler, context }
trigger: (topic, args...) ->
if @events[topic]?
event.handler.apply event.context, args for event in @events[topic]
var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
var events = {
events: {},
bind: function (topic, handler, context) {
if (context == null) context = this;[topic] =[topic] || [][topic].push({ handler: handler, context: context });
trigger: function (topic/*, args...*/) {
if ([topic] == null) return;
var args = slice.apply(arguments, 1);
for (var i = 0, l =[topic].length, event; i < l; i++) {
event =[topic][i];
event.handler.apply(event.context, args);
// just for comparison, that's the JS. Not terribly difficult, but not as clear either.
# use as singleton
events.bind 'foo', (a, two) -> console.log a, two
events.trigger 'foo', 'a', 2
# mixin to other objects assuming a merge/extend function
merge SomeClass.prototype, events
instance = new SomeClass()
instance.bind 'foo', -> console.log 'hi'
instance.trigger 'foo'
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