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Created May 19, 2021 13:15
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Drush generate field formatter
drush generate plugin-field-formatter
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Just running drush generate plugin gives me this:

$ drush generate plugin

  Command "plugin" is ambiguous.
  Did you mean one of these?
      plugin-menu-link                  Generates menu-link plugin
      plugin-queue-worker               Generates queue worker plugin
      plugin-action                     Generates action plugin
      plugin-field-type                 Generates field type plugin
      plugin-field-formatter            Generates field formatter plugin
      plugin-field-widget               Generates field widget plugin
      plugin-block                      Generates block plugin
      plugin-migrate-destination        Generates migrate destination plugin
      plugin-migrate-source             Generates migrate source plugin
      plugin-migrate-process            Generates migrate process plugin
      plugin-constraint                 Generates constraint plugin
      plugin-filter                     Generates filter plugin
      plugin-rest-resource              Generates rest resource plugin
      plugin-entity-reference-selection Generates entity reference selection plugin
      plugin-ckeditor                   Generates CKEditor plugin
      plugin-condition                  Generates condition plugin
      plugin-views-field                Generates views field plugin
      plugin-views-argument-default     Generates views default argument plugin
      plugin-views-style                Generates views style plugin
      plugin-manager                    Generates plugin manager.

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