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Created February 14, 2018 03:33
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RxSwift extension for textFieldShouldReturn of UITextFieldDelegate
// RxTextFieldDelegateProxy.swift
// Created by Lex Tang on 2/14/18.
// Copyright © 2018 Krunoslav Zaher. All rights reserved.
import RxSwift
import RxCocoa
open class RxTextFieldDelegateProxy
: DelegateProxy<UITextField, UITextFieldDelegate>
, DelegateProxyType
, UITextFieldDelegate {
public static func currentDelegate(for object: UITextField) -> UITextFieldDelegate? {
return object.delegate
public static func setCurrentDelegate(_ delegate: UITextFieldDelegate?, to object: UITextField) {
object.delegate = delegate
/// Typed parent object.
public weak private(set) var textField: UITextField?
/// - parameter textfield: Parent object for delegate proxy.
public init(textField: ParentObject) {
self.textField = textField
super.init(parentObject: textField, delegateProxy: RxTextFieldDelegateProxy.self)
// Register known implementations
public static func registerKnownImplementations() {
register(make: RxTextFieldDelegateProxy.init)
// MARK: delegate methods
/// For more information take a look at `DelegateProxyType`.
@objc open func textFieldShouldReturn(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
return forwardToDelegate()?.textFieldShouldReturn?(textField) ?? true
@objc open func textFieldShouldClear(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
return forwardToDelegate()?.textFieldShouldClear?(textField) ?? true
// UITextField+Rx.swift
// Created by Lex Tang on 2/14/18.
// Copyright © 2018 Krunoslav Zaher. All rights reserved.
import RxSwift
import RxCocoa
extension UITextField {
/// Factory method that enables subclasses to implement their own `delegate`.
/// - returns: Instance of delegate proxy that wraps `delegate`.
public func createRxDelegateProxy() -> RxTextFieldDelegateProxy {
return RxTextFieldDelegateProxy(textField: self)
extension Reactive where Base: UITextField {
/// Reactive wrapper for `delegate`.
/// For more information take a look at `DelegateProxyType` protocol documentation.
public var delegate: DelegateProxy<UITextField, UITextFieldDelegate> {
return RxTextFieldDelegateProxy.proxy(for: base)
/// Reactive wrapper for `delegate` message.
public var shouldReturn: ControlEvent<Void> {
let source = delegate.rx.methodInvoked(#selector(UITextFieldDelegate.textFieldShouldReturn))
.map { _ in }
return ControlEvent(events: source)
public var shouldClear: ControlEvent<Void> {
let source = delegate.rx.methodInvoked(#selector(UITextFieldDelegate.textFieldShouldClear))
.map { _ in }
return ControlEvent(events: source)
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