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Created August 31, 2017 17:10
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Script to help find nearly empty directories
# Find directories that only contain a single .eslintrc file.
# Adapted from
# Enable double glob to find hidden files
shopt -s dotglob
# Loop through every subdirectory.
# Currently need to tweak this line and run it for every level of directory
# nesting you want to check. TODO: rewrite this so it works recusively better.
for d in **/**/**/**/; do
# Glob a list of the files in the directory.
# If
# 1. there is exactly 1 entry in the directory
# 2. it is a file
# 3. the file name is .eslintrc
if [[ ${#f[@]} -eq 1 && -f "$f" && "${f##*/}" =~ ^.eslintrc$ ]]; then
#echo "$d"
#ls -alh "$d"
git rm -r "$d"
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