I hereby claim:
- I am lehrblogger on github.
- I am lehrblogger (https://keybase.io/lehrblogger) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is 0399 7EF1 E40D 3851 E43C 9C64 3358 452F FD86 E1CE
To claim this, I am signing this object:
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
import urllib2 | |
import BeautifulSoup | |
def follow_tweet(url): | |
print url | |
f = urllib2.urlopen(url).read() | |
s = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(f) | |
next = s.find('p', {'class': 'js-tweet-text tweet-text'}).find('a', {'class': 'twitter-timeline-link'}).get('data-expanded-url') | |
try: | |
follow_tweet(next) |
def readAllFiles(fileNames: List[String]): Map[String, Map[String, Int]] = { | |
val wordsInFiles: List[(String, String)] = for { | |
filename <- fileNames | |
line <- filename.toFile.readLines() | |
word <- line.split("\\W+|\\d+") | |
} yield (word.toLowerCase.trim, filename) | |
val emptyMap: Map[String, Map[String, Int]] = Map.empty.withDefaultValue(Map.empty.withDefaultValue()) | |
wordsInFiles.foldLeft(emptyMap) { case (map, (word, filename)) => |
Hi, | |
I'm having trouble using unicode characters in roster item nicknames set | |
from Python using ejabberd_xmlrpc. Those nicknames work fine if I set them | |
from the command line using ejabberdctl add_rosteritem, but if | |
use add_rosteritem via xmlrpc, then the command returns as if it | |
succeeded... but the roster item is somehow corrupt. ejabberd throws errors | |
if I try to view the data using get_roster or the web admin interface, and | |
the user with the corrupt roster is also unable to log in. |
<presence to='private-chat-8eeeaa68-f541-4988-9c0f-f6c84120c3bf@groupchat.google.com/Steven Lehrburger'> | |
<c xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/caps' node='http://pidgin.im/' hash='sha-1' ver='VUFD6HcFmUT2NxJkBGCiKlZnS3M='/> | |
<x xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/muc'/> | |
</presence> | |
<presence xmlns='jabber:client' from='private-chat-8eeeaa68-f541-4988-9c0f-f6c84120c3bf@groupchat.google.com/Steven Lehrburger' to='[email protected]/Adium1A4C7DC5'> | |
<user:x xmlns:user='http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user'> | |
<user:item affiliation='owner' role='moderator' jid='[email protected]/Adium1A4C7DC5'/> | |
<user:status code='100'/> |
{hosts, ["example.com"]}. | |
{listen, | |
[ | |
{5222, ejabberd_c2s, [ | |
{access, c2s}, | |
{shaper, c2s_shaper}, | |
{max_stanza_size, 65536}, | |
%%zlib, | |
starttls, {certfile, "/etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.pem"} |
# from geventhttpclient import httplib | |
# httplib.patch() | |
from gevent import monkey; monkey.patch_all() | |
import gevent | |
from time import sleep | |
import logging | |
import xmlrpclib | |
server = 'dev.vine.im' | |
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)-15s %(levelname)-7s - %(message)s') |
service "supervisor" do | |
service_name "supervisor" | |
start_command "supervisord -c #{node['dirs']['supervisor']}/supervisord.conf" | |
stop_command "supervisorctl -c #{node['dirs']['supervisor']}/supervisord.conf stop" | |
status_command "supervisorctl -c #{node['dirs']['supervisor']}/supervisord.conf status" | |
restart_command "supervisorctl -c #{node['dirs']['supervisor']}/supervisord.conf restart" | |
reload_command "supervisorctl -c #{node['dirs']['supervisor']}/supervisord.conf reread && supervisorctl -c #{node['dirs']['supervisor']}/supervisord.conf update" | |
supports ({ | |
:start => true, | |
:stop => true, |
In my Chef cookbook: | |
["/home/vagrant/test", "/home/vagrant/test/subtest"].each do |dir| | |
Chef::Log.info(dir) | |
directory dir do | |
owner "vagrant" | |
group "vagrant" | |
mode 0644 | |
recursive true | |
action :create | |
end |
Expected process to exit with [0], but received '128' | |
---- Begin output of git ls-remote [email protected]:lehrblogger/myrepo.git mybranch ---- | |
STDERR: Warning: Permanently added 'github.com,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. | |
Permission denied (publickey). | |
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly | |
---- End output of git ls-remote [email protected]:lehrblogger/myrepo.git mybranch ---- | |
Ran git ls-remote [email protected]:lehrblogger/myrepo.git mybranch returned 128 |