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Last active December 28, 2015 12:59
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Save leftclickben/7504259 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple website load tester written in Node.js
/*jslint node: true, white: true, nomen: true, plusplus: true*/
/*globals require: true, process: true*/
* Generic load tester
* Copyright (c) 2013
* MIT License, or whatever.
* Author assumes no liability for damage, loss, etc.
* Configuration is passed as a command-line argument when running node, e.g.
* node loadtest.js ./data-example.json
* The format of this JSON file is as per the "defaults" variable explained below.
(function (_, request, config) {
"use strict";
var log, urlToAbsolute, queueRequest, makeRequest, handleOkResponse, handleRedirectResponse, handleErrorResponse,
getLinkedContentUrls, requestLinkedContent, startWorkflow,
testStarted, workflowIndex, requestIndex, lastRequest, cache = {},
defaults = {
linkedContentUrlPatterns: [
tuning: {
maximumRuntime: 300000,
pageRequestInterval: 1,
clearCachePerWorkflow: true
logging: {
http: true,
html: false,
form: true,
exit: true,
error: '### ERROR: {message}',
redirect: 'Redirecting to: {message}'
// Log a message of the given type.
log = function (type, message) {
if (config.logging[type]) {
if (typeof config.logging[type] === 'string') {
message = config.logging[type].replace('{message}', message);
// Convert a relative or absolute URL to an absolute URL, with the given reference URL to supply missing domain.
urlToAbsolute = function (url, referenceUrl) {
return url.match(/^https?:\/\//) ? url : referenceUrl.replace(/^(https?:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-_.]*?)\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-_.\?&%~\/]*$/, '$1') + url;
// Queue the next request.
queueRequest = function () {
setTimeout(function () {
if ( < testStarted + config.tuning.maximumRuntime) {
} else {
log('exit', 'Maximum runtime exceeded');
}, config.tuning.pageRequestInterval);
// Send the request, and handle the response.
makeRequest = function (requestOptions) {
var requestSent =;
requestOptions.jar = true;
requestOptions.form = requestOptions.form || {};
if (lastRequest) {
_.each(requestOptions.form, function (field, key) {
if (typeof field === 'object') {
requestOptions.form[key] = lastRequest.responseText.replace(new RegExp(field.pattern), field.replacement);
if (requestOptions.hasOwnProperty('url') && typeof requestOptions.url === 'object') {
requestOptions.url = urlToAbsolute(lastRequest.responseText.replace(new RegExp(requestOptions.url.pattern), requestOptions.url.replacement), lastRequest.options.url);
if (!requestOptions.hasOwnProperty('url') || !requestOptions.url.match(/^https?:\/\//)) {
log('error', 'Bad URL string of length ' + requestOptions.url.length);
} else {
log('http', 'Making request ' + requestIndex + ' in workflow ' + workflowIndex + ': ' + config.workflows[workflowIndex].label);
log('http', requestOptions.method.toUpperCase() + ' ' + requestOptions.url);
log('form', requestOptions.form);
request(requestOptions, function (error, httpResponse, responseText) {
log('http', 'Received ' + (!responseText ? 'empty response' : (error ? 'error ' : '') + 'response of length ' + responseText.length) + ' with status code: ' + (httpResponse && httpResponse.hasOwnProperty('statusCode') ? httpResponse.statusCode : '[unknown]') + ' in ' + ( - requestSent) + ' ms');
log('html', responseText);
if (!error && httpResponse.statusCode.toString().substring(0, 1) === '2') {
handleOkResponse(requestOptions, responseText);
} else if (!error && httpResponse.statusCode.toString().substring(0, 1) === '3') {
handleRedirectResponse(requestOptions, httpResponse);
} else {
// Handle an "OK" response.
handleOkResponse = function (requestOptions, responseText) {
requestLinkedContent(getLinkedContentUrls(responseText, requestOptions.url), function () {
lastRequest = {
options: requestOptions,
responseText: responseText
if (++requestIndex >= config.workflows[workflowIndex].requests.length) {
} else {
// Handle a "Redirect" response.
handleRedirectResponse = function (requestOptions, httpResponse) {
if (!httpResponse.headers.hasOwnProperty('location') || !httpResponse.headers.location) {
log('error', 'Redirect response received with no location header');
} else if (!requestOptions.hasOwnProperty('expectedRedirectUrlPattern') || !httpResponse.headers.location.match(new RegExp(requestOptions.expectedRedirectUrlPattern))) {
log('error', 'Received unexpected redirect: ' + httpResponse.headers.location);
} else {
log('redirect', httpResponse.headers.location);
method: 'GET',
url: urlToAbsolute(httpResponse.headers.location, requestOptions.url)
// Handle an "Error" response.
handleErrorResponse = function (httpResponse) {
log('error', 'Unhandled or error response code received: ' + (httpResponse && httpResponse.hasOwnProperty('statusCode') ? httpResponse.statusCode : '[unknown]'));
// Get the list of "linked content" URLs presented in the given response text.
getLinkedContentUrls = function (responseText, referenceUrl) {
var regex, responseTextCopy,
linkedContentUrls = [];
_.each(config.linkedContentUrlPatterns, function (pattern) {
regex = new RegExp(pattern);
responseTextCopy = responseText;
while (responseTextCopy.match(regex)) {
linkedContentUrls.push(urlToAbsolute(responseTextCopy.replace(regex, '$1'), referenceUrl));
responseTextCopy = responseTextCopy.replace(regex, '$2');
return linkedContentUrls;
// Request the next "linked content" URL, and when it is loaded, request the next one; when all are loaded, invoke
// the callback given by done.
requestLinkedContent = function (linkedContentUrls, done) {
var linkedContentUrl, requestSent =;
if (linkedContentUrls.length > 0) {
linkedContentUrl = linkedContentUrls[0];
if (!cache.hasOwnProperty(linkedContentUrl)) {
log('http', 'Loading linked content: ' + linkedContentUrl);
request(linkedContentUrl, function (error, httpResponse, responseText) {
log('http', 'Received ' + (!responseText ? 'empty response' : (error ? 'error ' : '') + 'response of length ' + responseText.length) + ' with status code: ' + (httpResponse && httpResponse.hasOwnProperty('statusCode') ? httpResponse.statusCode : '[unknown]') + ' in ' + ( - requestSent) + ' ms');
cache[linkedContentUrl] = true;
requestLinkedContent(linkedContentUrls.slice(1), done);
} else {
log('http', 'Linked content already cached: ' + linkedContentUrl);
requestLinkedContent(linkedContentUrls.slice(1), done);
} else {
// Start a random workflow.
startWorkflow = function () {
if (config.tuning.clearCachePerWorkflow) {
cache = {};
lastRequest = null;
requestIndex = 0;
workflowIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * config.workflows.length);
// Apply missing defaults to config, then queue the first request, others will be called recursively.
config = _.extend({}, defaults, config);
testStarted =;
}(require('underscore'), require('request'), require(process.argv[2])));
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To run, for example to start 20 clients with a delay of 5 seconds between each (in bash):

for i in `seq 20` ; do node loadtest.js ./data-example.json > output_`date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S`_$i.log & sleep 5 ; done

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More complete instructions for getting it running:

  1. Install node via nvm (see, current version of node is 0.10.22
  2. You will need to do a ". ~/.profile" to get nvm on your path (or logout and login)
  3. Install "underscore" and "request" packages via npm (npm install underscore ; npm install request)
  4. Put the above script and the configuration file (data-[projectname].json) into the same directory
  5. Modify the configuration file to use the correct domain name or IP address as appropriate (local, dev, uat..)
  6. Run it: node loadtest.js ./data-[projectname].json

This will ouptut directly to the terminal. When this is working, you can try running multiple instances.

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