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Last active February 20, 2020 21:53
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Registration Re-Design Proposal

When an event is created, there needs to be the ability to add various Addon objects to that Event object. There will need to be various types of Addon's that we can create, which will be create-able from the admin panel.

The Addon Interface

The Addon interface will act as a "contract" so to speak. It will define the basic methods that are needed for an object to be considered an Addon while leaving the actual implementation/functionality ambiguous, and tentative for each implementation of the Addon interface.

The Addon interface will have several methods, and I thought these were the most appropriate:

 * Get the price of the Addon.
 * @return int
public function getPriceAttribute();

 * Get the description of the Addon.
 * @return string
public function getDescriptionAttribute();

 * Get any custom modifiers of the Addon.
 * @return array
public function getModifiersAttribute();

TShirt implements Addon

The first Addon subclass would be TShirt. It'd look something like this:

public class TShirt extends Model implements Addon
  public function registration()
		return $this->belongsTo(Registration::class);
	public function getPriceAttribute()
		return $this->price;
	public function getDescriptionAttribute()
		return $this->description;
	public function getModifiersAttribute()
		return $this->modifiers;
	public function getSizeAttribute()
		return $this->size;

Bracelet implements Addon

The next Addon subclass would be Bracelet. It'd look something like this:

public class Bracelet extends Model implements Addon
	public function registration()
		return $this->belongsTo(Registration::class);
	public function getPriceAttribute()
		return $this->price;
	public function getDescriptionAttribute()
		return $this->description;
	public function getModifiersAttribute()
		return $this->modifiers;
	// Maybe? I'm not sure what the bracelets are...
	public function getColorAttribute()
		return $this->color;
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