/* |
// |
// COLOR functions for creating design system |
// |
*/ |
/// Smart Scale function originally borrowed from Zurb Foundation and only modified to add saturation config, |
/////// but since have removed the determination of lightness in preference for manual shade determination |
@function smartscale($color, $scale: 5%, $saturate: true) { |
@if unit($scale) != '%' { |
$scale: $scale * 1%; |
} |
$saturation: if($saturate, -$scale/2, 0%); |
@return scale-color($color, $lightness: $scale, $saturation: $saturation); |
} |
$light-gray: grayscale(#b3bfc4); |
$the-colors: ( |
'primary': #002A3B, // blue - vibrant |
'accent': #B3D2CA, // blue - light |
'success': #7FC0C1, // bright blue |
'warning': #F7955B, // gold |
'alert': #E76745, // red |
'light': $light-gray, // gray |
'dark': #1e1e1e // gray |
); |
$the-opacities: ( |
'full': 1, |
'secondary': .7, |
'tertiary': .4, |
'barely': .1, |
'hidden': 0 |
); |
@function find-opacity($opacity){ |
// return the map value for the opacity if it's not a number |
@return if(type-of($opacity) == 'number', $opacity, map-get($the-opacities, $opacity)); |
} |
$the-shades: ( |
'default': 0, |
'secondary': .3, |
'tertiary': .6, |
'barely': .9, |
'full': 1 |
); |
@function find-shade($shade){ |
// return the map value for the shade if it's not a number |
@if (type-of($shade) != 'number'){ |
$shade: map-get($the-shades, $shade); |
} |
@if (unit($shade) != '%') { |
$shade: $shade * 100%; |
} |
@return $shade; |
} |
@function color-opacity($color, $opacity: 1) { |
$alpha: find-opacity($opacity); |
@if $alpha { |
$color: rgba($color, $alpha); |
} |
@return $color; |
} |
@function main-color($color, $opacity: 1, $shade: 0%) { |
// check to see if name exists as key in the-colors then get color |
@if (map-has-key($the-colors, $color)) { |
$color: map-get($the-colors, $color); |
} |
// find the shade |
$shade: find-shade($shade); |
@if ($shade != 0%) { |
$color: smartscale($color, $shade); |
} |
// then find the opacity |
$color: color-opacity($color, $opacity); |
@return $color; |
} |
$blue-gray-gradient: |
linear-gradient(160deg, |
main-color('primary', 1, -20%) 10%, |
main-color('dark', 1, -10%) 90%); |
$blue-gray-gradient-transparent: |
linear-gradient(160deg, |
main-color('primary', .7, -30%) 10%, |
main-color('dark', .7, -20%) 90%); |
$accent-gray-gradient: |
linear-gradient(160deg, |
main-color('accent', 1, -20%) 10%, |
main-color('dark', 1, -10%) 90%); |
$accent-gray-gradient-transparent: |
linear-gradient(160deg, |
main-color('accent', .7, -40%) 10%, |
main-color('dark', .7, -20%) 90%); |
// Style Guide |
body, html { |
height: 100%; |
padding: 0; |
margin: 0; |
overflow: hidden; |
} |
body { |
display: block; |
background: $blue-gray-gradient no-repeat; |
overflow: auto; |
} |
h5, h6 { |
margin-bottom: 0; |
} |
h6 { |
margin-top: .5rem; |
color: main-color(dark, secondary); |
} |
.card { |
padding: 4rem; |
margin: 2rem auto; |
max-width: 64rem; |
min-width: 48rem; |
border-radius: 2px; |
background: white; |
box-shadow: 0 6px 10px 0 main-color(dark, secondary), |
0 0px 60px -40px main-color(dark, secondary), |
0 60px 60px -40px main-color(dark, secondary); |
} |
// Also borrowed Mauricio Allende's "Pure CSS toggle buttons" https://codepen.io/mallendeo/pen/eLIiG |
.toggles { |
text-align: right; |
} |
[id*="type-toggle"] { |
display: inline-block; |
margin-right: 1rem; |
margin-bottom: 1rem; |
.label { |
position: relative; |
top: -.4rem; |
margin-right: .5rem; |
font-size: .7rem; |
font-weight: bold; |
text-transform: uppercase; |
color: main-color(dark, secondary); |
} |
.tgl-light { |
+ .tgl-btn { |
width: 3em; |
height: 1.5em; |
background: main-color(light); |
display: inline-block; |
} |
&:checked + .tgl-btn { |
background: main-color(dark); |
} |
} |
input[disabled] + .tgl-btn { |
opacity: .2; |
cursor: not-allowed; |
} |
} |
ul.colors { |
list-style: none; |
padding: 0; |
margin: 0; |
display: flex; |
flex-wrap: wrap; |
li { |
flex: 0 0 calc(25% - 2rem); |
padding: 1rem; |
.color { |
display: block; |
height: 10rem; |
box-sizing: border-box; |
transition: all .25s; |
} |
&:nth-child(n+5) .color { |
height: 5rem; |
} |
@each $color, $value in $the-colors { |
&.#{$color} { |
.color { |
color: main-color($color); |
background: |
linear-gradient(0deg, |
main-color($color, full) 40%, |
main-color($color, secondary) 40%, |
main-color($color, secondary) 60%, |
main-color($color, tertiary) 60%, |
main-color($color, tertiary) 80%, |
main-color($color, barely) 80%, |
main-color($color, barely) 100%); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
&.shade { |
@each $color, $value in $the-colors { |
li.#{$color} { |
.color { |
color: main-color($color); |
background: |
linear-gradient(0deg, |
main-color($color, full) 40%, |
main-color($color, full, secondary) 40%, |
main-color($color, full, secondary) 60%, |
main-color($color, full, tertiary) 60%, |
main-color($color, full, tertiary) 80%, |
main-color($color, full, barely) 80%, |
main-color($color, full, barely) 100%); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
&.shade.dark { |
@each $color, $value in $the-colors { |
li.#{$color} { |
.color { |
color: main-color($color); |
background: |
linear-gradient(0deg, |
main-color($color, full) 40%, |
main-color($color, full, -0.2) 40%, |
main-color($color, full, -0.2) 60%, |
main-color($color, full, -0.4) 60%, |
main-color($color, full, -0.4) 80%, |
main-color($color, full, -0.7) 80%, |
main-color($color, full, -0.7) 100%); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |