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// Lame implementation of a channel
function channel() {
return new Channel();
var id = 0;
function Channel(opts) {
this._queue = [];
a.navbar-brand(href='/') Wolves
a(href='/howls') Howls
latentflip /
Created September 2, 2013 10:24 — forked from tef/

I hate markdown

  1. Here is a list. I can do numbered lists.

  2. I can do a list entry followed by two spaces.
    This means this is in the same paragraph

  3. If I want a code block (with syntax highlighting, inside a list, something breaks:

* I want to execute someFunc() if the variable x is greater than 5
* how would you rewrite the below to NOT use a conditional? (EG no "if" used)
* **/
if(x > 5) {
$.getJSON(''+document.location.href.split('/')[3]+'/contributions_calendar_data', weekendWork);
function weekendWork(contribs) {
var inwe = false, streak = 0, highest = 0, total = 0, possible = 0;
contribs.forEach(function (c) {
var d = new Date(c[0]).getDay();
if (d === 6) {
inwe = true;
} else if (d === 0 && inwe) {
if (c[1] !== 0) {
latentflip /
Created October 28, 2012 22:52 — forked from joejag/
Conways Game of Life in CoffeeScript
# Utility methods
flatten_nested_array = (array) ->
[].concat array...
includes = (item, coll) ->
item = key_to_array(item)
for potential_match in coll
return true if item[0] == potential_match[0] && item[1] == potential_match[1]
"hello" === "hello #true
String("hello") === "hello" #true
new String("hello") === "hello" #false
new String("hello") == "hello" #true
latentflip / wordpress2tumblr.rb
Created July 17, 2011 10:07 — forked from webcracy/wordpress2tumblr.rb
A script to import your Wordpress posts on Tumblr
# Export your Wordpress posts to Tumblr (also allows to delete some.)
# Author: Alexandre Solleiro <[email protected]>
# How-to:
# 1. Export your Wordpress posts (
# 2. Edit the information below to match your settings
# 3. To import, type "ruby wordpress2tumblr.rb --run" in the command line
# 4. To delete some posts, type "ruby wordpress2tumblr.rb --delete 1,2,3,4" where 1,2,3,4 are post numbers. (Be careful not to use spaces between IDs)
# Edit these
WP_EXPORT_PATH = "./wordpress.2009-09-14.xml" # path to the Wordpress Export file
latentflip / golf.rb
Created May 23, 2011 18:26 — forked from morganp/golf.rb
L/SH/ScotRug Code Golf
def g.method_missing s, a
case s.to_s[-1]
when ?1
a.reduce :*
when ?2
a.split.sort_by{|i| i[1] }*' '
when ?3
h1 1..a