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Forked from petertwise/debug-givewp.php
Created August 20, 2017 20:19
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Give Donation Plugin - list of all actions and filters for testing.
Plugin Name: Debug Give Wp
Plugin URI:
Description: Help discover where all of Give's action can plop in some content, and what all the filters do
Version: 1.0
Author: Square Candy
Author URI:
License: GPLv3
License URI:
Text Domain: debug-give-wp
/* Uncomment one or a few at a time to see what each one does! */
// add_action( 'give_before_main_content', function() { echo '<p>give_before_main_content goes here!</p>'; }, 10, 1 );
// add_action( 'give_before_single_form', function() { echo '<p>give_before_single_form goes here!</p>'; }, 10, 1 );
// add_action( 'give_single_form_summary', function() { echo '<p>give_single_form_summary goes here!</p>'; }, 10, 1 );
// add_action( 'give_pre_form_output', function() { echo '<p>give_pre_form_output goes here!</p>'; }, 10, 1 );
// add_action( 'give_pre_form', function() { echo '<p>give_pre_form goes here!</p>'; }, 10, 1 );
// add_action( 'give_checkout_form_top', function() { echo '<p>give_checkout_form_top goes here!</p>'; }, 10, 1 );
// add_action( 'give_before_donation_levels', function() { echo '<p>give_before_donation_levels goes here!</p>'; }, 10, 1 );
// add_action( 'give_after_donation_amount', function() { echo '<p>give_after_donation_amount goes here!</p>'; }, 10, 1 );
// add_action( 'give_after_donation_levels', function() { echo '<p>give_after_donation_levels goes here!</p>'; }, 10, 1 );
// add_action( 'give_payment_mode_selec', function() { echo '<p>give_payment_mode_selec goes here!</p>'; }, 10, 1 );
// add_action( 'give_payment_mode_top', function() { echo '<p>give_payment_mode_top goes here!</p>'; }, 10, 1 );
// add_action( 'give_payment_mode_before_gateways', function() { echo '<p>give_payment_mode_before_gateways goes here!</p>'; }, 10, 1 );
// add_action( 'give_payment_mode_after_gateways', function() { echo '<p>give_payment_mode_after_gateways goes here!</p>'; }, 10, 1 );
// add_action( 'give_payment_mode_after_gateways_wrap', function() { echo '<p>give_payment_mode_after_gateways_wrap goes here!</p>'; }, 10, 1 );
// add_action( 'give_payment_mode_bottom', function() { echo '<p>give_payment_mode_bottom goes here!</p>'; }, 10, 1 );
// add_action( 'give_donation_form', function() { echo '<p>give_donation_form goes here!</p>'; }, 10, 1 );
// add_action( 'give_donation_form_top', function() { echo '<p>give_donation_form_top goes here!</p>'; }, 10, 1 );
// add_action( 'give_donation_form_before_register_login', function() { echo '<p>give_donation_form_before_register_login goes here!</p>'; }, 10, 1 );
// add_action( 'give_donation_form_register_login_fields', function() { echo '<p>give_donation_form_register_login_fields goes here!</p>'; }, 10, 1 );
// add_action( 'give_donation_form_before_cc_form', function() { echo '<p>give_donation_form_before_cc_form goes here!</p>'; }, 10, 1 );
// add_action( 'give_cc_form', function() { echo '<p>give_cc_form goes here!</p>'; }, 10, 1 );
// add_action( 'give_before_cc_field', function() { echo '<p>give_before_cc_field goes here!</p>'; }, 10, 1 );
// add_action( 'give_before_cc_expiration', function() { echo '<p>give_before_cc_expiration goes here!</p>'; }, 10, 1 );
// add_action( 'give_after_cc_expiration', function() { echo '<p>give_after_cc_expiration goes here!</p>'; }, 10, 1 );
// add_action( 'give_after_cc_fields', function() { echo '<p>give_after_cc_fields goes here!</p>'; }, 10, 1 );
// add_action( 'give_donation_form_after_cc_form', function() { echo '<p>give_donation_form_after_cc_form goes here!</p>'; }, 10, 1 );
// add_action( 'give_donation_form_bottom', function() { echo '<p>give_donation_form_bottom goes here!</p>'; }, 10, 1 );
// add_action( 'give_post_form_output', function() { echo '<p>give_post_form_output goes here!</p>'; }, 10, 1 );
// add_action( 'give_after_single_form_summary', function() { echo '<p>give_after_single_form_summary goes here!</p>'; }, 10, 1 );
// add_action( 'give_after_single_form', function() { echo '<p>give_after_single_form goes here!</p>'; }, 10, 1 );
// add_action( 'give_after_main_content', function() { echo '<p>give_after_main_content goes here!</p>'; }, 10, 1 );
// give_donation_form_before_cc_form
// this goes after the "Personal Info" area and before the Payment Info
// good for stuff like "anonymous donation" checkbox or Email List subscription checkbox
// give_donation_form_after_cc_form
// After the Payment Form, before the final amount confirmaion and submit button
// Nice for a "notes" field or other final fields before submitting the transaction
/* FILTERS !!!! */
// give_donate_form: the whole freakin' form
// You could do lots of fancy stuff with this. Be careful!
// function give_donate_form_callback ($e) { print_r($e); return $e; } add_filter( 'give_donate_form', 'give_donate_form_callback');
// Not sure, but I assume this alters the text shown if your Goal Based donation is past the expiration time.
// function give_goal_closed_output_callback ($e) { print_r($e); return $e; } add_filter( 'give_goal_closed_output', 'give_goal_closed_output_callback');
// give_form_title: the title of the form
// function give_form_title_callback ($e) { print_r($e); return $e; } add_filter( 'give_form_title', 'give_form_title_callback');
// I find it annoying that this still shows up when you use a shortcode
// Frequently your form called "Donate" has a big title over it on your page that's already called "Donate"
// Use this to kill the form title entirely:
function give_form_title_callback ($e) {
return '';
add_filter( 'give_form_title', 'give_form_title_callback');
// Not sure what these do: ???
// function give_credit_card_fieldset_heading_callback ($e) { print_r($e); return $e; } add_filter( 'give_credit_card_fieldset_heading', 'give_credit_card_fieldset_heading_callback');
// function give_forms_single_summary_classes_callback ($e) { print_r($e); return $e; } add_filter( 'give_forms_single_summary_classes', 'give_forms_single_summary_classes_callback');
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