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Last active September 20, 2023 11:52
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Read values from a simple toml file from bash
# Bash function get_toml_value() to get the value of a key in a section of a TOML file.
# Versioned here:
# Call it like this:
# value=$(get_toml_value "./conf/config.toml" "server_b" "domain")
# Result should be "" in the case of this example file:
# ---------------------------
# [server_a]
# proto = "https"
# domain = ""
# access_token = "*******123**********"
# [server_b]
# proto = "http"
# domain = ""
# access_token = "*******123**********"
# ---------------------------
# Does not work for other more complex TOML files.
get_toml_value() {
# Takes three parameters:
# - TOML file path ($1)
# - section ($2)
# - the key ($3)
# It first gets the section using the get_section function
# Then it finds the key within that section
# using grep and cut.
local file="$1"
local section="$2"
local key="$3"
get_section() {
# Function to get the section from a TOML file
# Takes two parameters:
# - TOML file path ($1)
# - section name ($2)
# It uses sed to find the section
# A section is terminated by a line with [ in pos 0 or the end of file.
local file="$1"
local section="$2"
sed -n "/^\[$section\]/,/^\[/p" "$file" | sed '$d'
get_section "$file" "$section" | grep "^$key " | cut -d "=" -f2- | tr -d ' "'
# End Function get_toml_value()
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