I hereby claim:
- I am kvba0000 on github.
- I am kvba0000 (https://keybase.io/kvba0000) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASDmaFdhxmyt-0WGwNzuv-xz0jxt5lQwzKEEklCU1WNDuQo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
(function(){function p(t,n){var e={seen:[],stylize:A};return arguments.length>=3&&(e.depth=arguments[2]),arguments.length>=4&&(e.colors=arguments[3]),S(n)?e.showHidden=n:n&&_(e,n),u(e.showHidden)&&(e.showHidden=!1),u(e.depth)&&(e.depth=2),u(e.colors)&&(e.colors=!1),u(e.customInspect)&&(e.customInspect=!0),e.colors&&(e.stylize=H),g(e,t,e.depth)}p.colors={bold:[1,22],italic:[3,23],underline:[4,24],inverse:[7,27],white:[37,39],grey:[90,39],black:[30,39],blue:[34,39],cyan:[36,39],green:[32,39],magenta:[35,39],red:[31,39],yellow:[33,39]},p.styles={special:"cyan",number:"yellow",boolean:"yellow",undefined:"grey",null:"bold",string:"green",date:"magenta",regexp:"red"};function A(t,n){return t}function S(t){return typeof t=="boolean"}function u(t){return t===void 0}function H(t,n){var e=p.styles[n];return e?"\x1B["+p.colors[e][0]+"m"+t+"\x1B["+p.colors[e][1]+"m":t}function h(t){return typeof t=="function"}function w(t){return typeof t=="string"}function R(t){return typeof t=="number"}function E(t){return t===null}fun |
findByProps("addRelationship").addRelationship = ({ userId, type = 1 }) => { | |
console.log(`+ ${userId} (${type})`) | |
findStore("RelationshipStore").getRelationships()[userId] = type | |
FluxDispatcher.dispatch({ | |
relationship: { | |
id: userId, | |
type: type, | |
user: findByProps("getUser").getUser(userId), | |
nickname: null |
// Callback | |
const foundContext = (ctx) => { | |
console.log(ctx) | |
} | |
// Look for context by these keys | |
const searchBy = [ | |
"chat", | |
"generateImage" | |
] |
// Vencord required | |
;(()=>{ | |
;(async()=>{ | |
const playSoundpackAudio = findAllByCode(".disableSounds", ".getSoundpack()", ".play()").find(f => f.length === 1) | |
while(true) { | |
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, Math.floor(30 + Math.random() * 200) * 1000)) | |
playSoundpackAudio("message1") | |
} | |
})(); |
This gist allows you to send fake Discord message everywhere you want!
The snippet works both on unmodified Discord and Vencord
This code by default tries to grab all functions it needs from already implemented ones by Vencord (specifically ConsoleShortcuts plugin) and if it can't find them for some reason it THEN tries to implement it by itself, so if something's broken on vanilla - use snippet with Vencord!
Usage is fairly simple. Below code returns function fakeMessage
as variable but also it saves the same implementation to window.fakeMessage
so you don't have to execute it multiple times. (code prevents you to do so anyways for performance reasons)
// You need to save configuration after that by for example | |
// force saving config to cloud or by clicking save on any | |
// plugin settings | |
Vencord.Settings.enabledThemes = [] | |
console.log("Disabled all local themes") | |
const pluginsNow = Object.keys(Vencord.Plugins.plugins).map(p => p.toLowerCase()) | |
let pc = 0 | |
Object.keys(Vencord.Settings.plugins).forEach(p => { | |
if(!pluginsNow.includes(p.toLowerCase())) { |
/* Tweet */ | |
div.tweet:has( | |
/* Disable tweets with crypto/nft tags */ | |
a[href^="/search?q=%24"], a[href^="/hashtag/BTC"], a[href^="/hashtag/ETH"], a[href^="/hashtag/btc"], | |
a[href="/hashtag/eth"], a[href^="/hashtag/Bitcoin"], a[href^="/hashtag/Btc"], a[href="/hashtag/Eth"], | |
a[href^="/hashtag/Etherium"], a[href^="/hashtag/etherium"], a[href^="/hashtag/BITCOIN"], a[href^="/hashtag/ETHERIUM"], | |
a[href^="/hashtag/Altcoins"], a[href^="/hashtag/Altcoin"], a[href^="/hashtag/altcoins"], a[href^="/hashtag/altcoin"], | |
a[href="/hashtag/xrp"], a[href="/hashtag/XRP"], a[href="/hashtag/Xrp"], a[href^="/hashtag/Crypto"], | |
a[href^="/hashtag/crypto"], a[href^="/hashtag/CRYPTO"], a[href^="/hashtag/nft"], a[href^="/hashtag/Nft"], | |
a[href^="/hashtag/NFT"], |
;(async () => { | |
if(location.hostname !== "discord.com") return console.log( | |
"%cPlease run this snippet on Discord!", | |
"color: red; background-color: black; padding: 5px; font-weight: bold;" | |
) | |
if(window.__LOADED_MESSAGELATENCY_MANIPULATOR == true) return console.log( | |
"%cYou can only run this snippet once! If you want to change latency, run _changeLatency()!", | |
"color: red; background-color: black; padding: 5px; font-weight: bold;" | |
) |
body::before { | |
content: " "; | |
position: fixed; | |
background-image: url("https://i.imgur.com/cEOBMVS.png"); | |
width: 100vw; | |
height: 100vh; | |
z-index: -9999; | |
left: 0; | |
top: 0; | |
background-repeat: no-repeat; |