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Created March 12, 2024 12:06
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SigmaUSD bank v2
// diff from V1:
// * no cooling off period
// this box
// R4: Long : Number of stable-coins in circulation
// R5: Long : Number of reserve-coins in circulation
// R6: Int : Last oracle update height (to have limits per cycle)
// R7: (Long, Long) : Remaining limit for SigUsd and SigRSV minting per oracle update
val feePercent = 2 // in percent, so 2% fee
// Base-64 version of ERG/USD oracle pool NFT 011d3364de07e5a26f0c4eef0852cddb387039a921b7154ef3cab22c6eda887f
// UI at
// Got via
val oraclePoolNFT = fromBase64("AR0zZN4H5aJvDE7vCFLN2zhwOakhtxVO88qyLG7aiH8=")
// Base-64 version of bank update NFT 239c170b7e82f94e6b05416f14b8a2a57e0bfff0e3c93f4abbcd160b6a5b271a
// Got via
val updateNFT = fromBase64("I5wXC36C+U5rBUFvFLiipX4L//DjyT9Ku80WC2pbJxo=")
val minStorageRent = 10000000L
val minReserveRatioPercent = 400L // percent
val maxReserveRatioPercent = 800L // percentdataInput
val LongMax = 9223372036854775807L
val rcDefaultPrice = 1000000L
val isExchange = if (CONTEXT.dataInputs.size > 0) { // oracle input exists
val dataInput = CONTEXT.dataInputs(0)
val validDataInput = dataInput.tokens(0)._1 == oraclePoolNFT
val bankBoxIn = SELF
val bankBoxOut = OUTPUTS(0)
val rateBox = dataInput
val receiptBox = OUTPUTS(1)
val rate = rateBox.R4[Long].get / 100 // calculate nanoERG per US cent
val oracleUpdateHeight = rateBox.R5[Int].get
val scCircIn = bankBoxIn.R4[Long].get
val rcCircIn = bankBoxIn.R5[Long].get
val bcReserveIn = bankBoxIn.value
val scTokensIn = bankBoxIn.tokens(0)._2
val rcTokensIn = bankBoxIn.tokens(1)._2
val scCircOut = bankBoxOut.R4[Long].get
val rcCircOut = bankBoxOut.R5[Long].get
val bcReserveOut = bankBoxOut.value
val scTokensOut = bankBoxOut.tokens(0)._2
val rcTokensOut = bankBoxOut.tokens(1)._2
val totalScIn = scTokensIn + scCircIn
val totalScOut = scTokensOut + scCircOut
val totalRcIn = rcTokensIn + rcCircIn
val totalRcOut = rcTokensOut + rcCircOut
val rcExchange = rcTokensIn != rcTokensOut
val scExchange = scTokensIn != scTokensOut
// allowed to exchange stablecoins or reservecoins but not both
val rcExchangeXorScExchange = (rcExchange || scExchange) && !(rcExchange && scExchange)
val circDelta = receiptBox.R4[Long].get
val bcReserveDelta = receiptBox.R5[Long].get
val rcCircDelta = if (rcExchange) circDelta else 0L
val scCircDelta = if (rcExchange) 0L else circDelta
// v2 code below
val limitFactor = 200 // 1 / 200, so 0.5% per oracle update
val limitsReg = bankBoxIn.R7[(Long, Long)].get
val limits = if (bankBoxIn.R6[Int].get != oracleUpdateHeight) {
val limit = bankBoxIn.value / limitFactor
(limit, limit)
} else {
val updLimits = if (scExchange && scCircDelta > 0) { // SC mint
(limits._1 - bcReserveDelta, limits._2)
} else if (rcExchange && rcCircDelta > 0) { // RC mint
(limits._1, limits._2 - bcReserveDelta)
} else {
(limits._1, limits._2)
val properLimit = (updLimits._1 >= 0 && updLimits._2 >= 0) && (bankBoxOut.R7[(Long, Long)].get == updLimits)
val validDeltas = (scCircIn + scCircDelta == scCircOut) &&
(rcCircIn + rcCircDelta == rcCircOut) &&
(bcReserveIn + bcReserveDelta == bcReserveOut) &&
scCircOut >= 0 && rcCircOut >= 0 &&
val coinsConserved = totalRcIn == totalRcOut && totalScIn == totalScOut
val tokenIdsConserved = bankBoxOut.tokens(0)._1 == bankBoxIn.tokens(0)._1 && // also ensures that at least one token exists
bankBoxOut.tokens(1)._1 == bankBoxIn.tokens(1)._1 && // also ensures that at least one token exists
bankBoxOut.tokens(2)._1 == bankBoxIn.tokens(2)._1 // also ensures that at least one token exists
val mandatoryRateConditions = rateBox.tokens(0)._1 == oraclePoolNFT
val mandatoryBankConditions = bankBoxOut.value >= minStorageRent &&
bankBoxOut.R6[Int].get == oracleUpdateHeight &&
bankBoxOut.propositionBytes == bankBoxIn.propositionBytes &&
rcExchangeXorScExchange &&
coinsConserved &&
validDeltas &&
// exchange equations
val bcReserveNeededOut = scCircOut * rate
val bcReserveNeededIn = scCircIn * rate
val liabilitiesIn = max(min(bcReserveIn, bcReserveNeededIn), 0)
val reserveRatioPercentOut = if (bcReserveNeededOut == 0) maxReserveRatioPercent else bcReserveOut * 100 / bcReserveNeededOut
val validReserveRatio = if (scExchange) {
if (scCircDelta > 0) {
reserveRatioPercentOut >= minReserveRatioPercent
} else true
} else {
if (rcCircDelta > 0) {
reserveRatioPercentOut <= maxReserveRatioPercent
} else {
reserveRatioPercentOut >= minReserveRatioPercent
val brDeltaExpected = if (scExchange) { // sc
val liableRate = if (scCircIn == 0) LongMax else liabilitiesIn / scCircIn
val scNominalPrice = min(rate, liableRate)
scNominalPrice * scCircDelta
} else { // rc
val equityIn = bcReserveIn - liabilitiesIn
val equityRate = if (rcCircIn == 0) rcDefaultPrice else equityIn / rcCircIn
val rcNominalPrice = if (equityIn == 0) rcDefaultPrice else equityRate
rcNominalPrice * rcCircDelta
val fee = brDeltaExpected * feePercent / 100
val actualFee = if (fee < 0) {-fee} else fee
// actualFee is always positive, irrespective of brDeltaExpected
val brDeltaExpectedWithFee = brDeltaExpected + actualFee
mandatoryRateConditions &&
mandatoryBankConditions &&
bcReserveDelta == brDeltaExpectedWithFee &&
validReserveRatio &&
} else false
val isUpdate = INPUTS(0).tokens(0)._1 == updateNFT
sigmaProp(isExchange || isUpdate)
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