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Created June 10, 2022 12:13
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Twilio Flex: code snippet to be used in a Flex Plugin to make browser play ringtone when a task comes in
Flex.Manager.getInstance().workerClient.on('reservationCreated', (reservation: Reservation) => {
console.log('reservation', reservation)
let mediaId ={
url: '',
repeatable: true,
reservation.on('accepted', () => Flex.AudioPlayerManager.stop(mediaId))
reservation.on('canceled', () => Flex.AudioPlayerManager.stop(mediaId))
reservation.on('completed', () => Flex.AudioPlayerManager.stop(mediaId))
reservation.on('rejected', () => Flex.AudioPlayerManager.stop(mediaId))
reservation.on('rescinded', () => Flex.AudioPlayerManager.stop(mediaId))
reservation.on('timeout', () => Flex.AudioPlayerManager.stop(mediaId))
reservation.on('wrapup', () => Flex.AudioPlayerManager.stop(mediaId))
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