NSTextList is Equatable because NSObject is always Equatable, however if anyone expect that may compare two instances of NSTextList that is false. This is because NSTextList.isEqual() do return true value for equal instances. This situation makes impossible to eg. compare NSParagraphStyle instances with testLists property as it will always fail. This situation seems easy fixable and will significanlty improve testability of the codebases (eg. mine)
do {
let a = NSTextList(markerFormat: .disc, options: 0) // Equatable
let b = NSTextList(markerFormat: .disc, options: 0) // Equatable
let c = a == b // false
let co = a.isEqual(b) // false
do {
let a = AnyHashable(NSTextList(markerFormat: .disc, options: 0))
let b = AnyHashable(NSTextList(markerFormat: .disc, options: 0))
let c = a == b // false