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Last active January 29, 2016 17:21
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Save krogsgard/208c5d308219f4d1c043 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Stuff for wrangling Jetpack. End result is along these lines:
<?php echo krogs_output_related_posts(); ?>
* Sets up a function for altering Jetpack.
function krogs_custom_jetpack() {
// related posts text
add_filter( 'jetpack_relatedposts_filter_headline', 'krogs_related_posts_headline' );
// jetpack fallback image
add_filter( 'jetpack_images_get_images', 'krogs_custom_image', 10, 3 );
// remove jetpack related posts, so we can put them where we want
add_filter( 'wp', 'krogs_remove_related_posts_output', 20 );
// custom image size for related posts
add_filter( 'jetpack_relatedposts_filter_thumbnail_size', 'krogs_jetpack_related_posts_image_size' );
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'krogs_custom_jetpack' );
* @param $headline
* @return string
function krogs_related_posts_headline( $headline ) {
$headline = sprintf(
'<h3 class="related-posts-headline">%s</h3>',
esc_html( 'Related Articles' )
return $headline;
* @param $media
* @param $post_id
* @param $args
* @return array
function krogs_custom_image( $media, $post_id, $args ) {
if ( $media ) {
return $media;
} else {
$permalink = get_permalink( $post_id );
$default = get_template_directory_uri() . '/screenshot.png';
$url = apply_filters( 'jetpack_photon_url', $default );
return array( array(
'type' => 'image',
'from' => 'custom_fallback',
'src' => esc_url( $url ),
'href' => $permalink,
) );
* Remove Jetpack related posts, so we can insert them where we like
function krogs_remove_related_posts_output() {
if ( class_exists( 'Jetpack_RelatedPosts' ) ) {
$jprp = Jetpack_RelatedPosts::init();
$callback = array( $jprp, 'filter_add_target_to_dom' );
remove_filter( 'the_content', $callback, 40 );
* @param $size
* @return array
function krogs_jetpack_related_posts_image_size( $size ) {
$size = array(
'width' => 400,
'height' => 200
return $size;
* Make our own output function, checking that the class exists so as not to show a shortcode if RP aren't enabled.
* @return string
function krogs_output_related_posts() {
if ( class_exists( 'Jetpack_RelatedPosts' ) ) {
return do_shortcode( '[jetpack-related-posts]' );
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Thanks for sharing Brian! I think there might be a typo on line 22 wrangle-jetpack.php

The function you are loading into after_setup_theme is krogs_setup but I believe the correct function should be krogs_custom_jetpack?

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@colegeissinger good catch! I changed the names for the gist, and forgot that part :)

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