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How to Fix "kOmahaErrorInHTTPresponse(37)" [ChromeOS]

Step 1 - Launch Crosh

Open chrome-untrusted://crosh or chrome-extension://pnhechapfaindjhompbnflcldabbghjo/html/crosh.html

Step 2 - Install Update (Fixing!)

You can set a channel of (stable|beta|dev|canary)-channel

Please follow below.

In Crosh =>:

## crosh>
#Continues to the below codeblock⌨️

In Shell =>:

## Normal User $>
sudo su
## Pivilege User #>
# Pick one of these of (stable|beta|dev|canary)-channel
update_engine_client --channel="**-channel"
# Update! (It Fixs!)
update_engine_client --update=true --omaha_url=''

  • kOmahaErrorInHTTPresponse(37)
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