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Created March 1, 2018 13:54
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In-order traverse without recursion
* Binary tree in-order traversal.
* How would look this simple, straightforward algorithm without recursion?
* I don't like recursion, that's one of my attempts to avoid it.
function traverseInOrderNoRecursion(t) {
if (!t) {
return [];
let waitingNodes = [[t, 0]];
let visitedNodes = [];
let values = [];
while (waitingNodes.length) {
let [node, depth] = waitingNodes.pop();
visitedNodes.push([node, depth]);
if (node.right) {
waitingNodes.push([node.right, depth + 1]);
if (node.left) {
waitingNodes.push([node.left, depth + 1]);
} else {
let maxWaitingNodeDepth = waitingNodes.length ? waitingNodes[waitingNodes.length - 1][1] : 0;
while (visitedNodes.length && visitedNodes[visitedNodes.length - 1][1] >= maxWaitingNodeDepth - 1) {
return values;
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