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Last active March 4, 2018 17:53
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Depth-first graph traversal (DFS)
* General implementation of depth-first graph traversal (OK to have loops),
* no recursion.
function depthFirstTraverse(connections, i=0) {
let visited = {};
let traverseStack = [[-1, i]]; // edge from A to B vertex
let revisit = false;
while (traverseStack.length) {
let [last, j] = traverseStack[traverseStack.length - 1];
visited[j] = 'in progress';
let foundNext = false;
log(revisit ? `Re-visit ${j}` : `Visit ${j}`);
for (let k = 0; k < connections[j].length; k++) {
// Check if there's connection available
if (connections[j][k] === 0)
// Don't go back to direct ancestor
if (k === last) {
log(`Not going from ${j} to ${k} (came from there)`, 'Stack:', traverseStack, 'Visited:', visited);
if (visited[k]) {
log(`Not going from ${j} to ${k} (already visited)`, 'Stack:', traverseStack, 'Visited:', visited);
if (visited[k] === 'in progress')
log(`Loop found at ${j} - ${k}`);
} else {
traverseStack.push([j, k]);
foundNext = true;
revisit = false;
log(`Going from ${j} to ${k}.`, 'Stack:', traverseStack, 'Visited:', visited);
if (!foundNext) {
visited[j] = 'complete';
revisit = true;
log(`Finished with ${j}, look up through stack`, traverseStack);
* General implementation of depth-first graph traversal (OK to have loops)
* with recusrion.
function depthFirstTraverseRecursion(connections, current=0, last=-1, visited={}) {
log(`Visit ${current}`);
visited[current] = 'in-progress';
for (let k = 0; k < connections[current].length; k++) {
// Check if there's connection available
if (connections[current][k] === 0)
// Don't go back to direct ancestor
if (k === last) {
log(`Not going from ${current} to ${k} (came from there)`, 'Visited:', visited);
if (visited[k]) {
log(`Not going from ${current} to ${k} (already visited)`, 'Visited:', visited);
if (visited[k] === 'in progress')
log(`Loop found at ${current} - ${k}`);
} else {
log(`Going from ${current} to ${k}.`, 'Visited:', visited);
depthFirstTraverseRecursion(connections, k, last=current, visited);
visited[current] = 'complete';
log(`Finished with ${current}`);
* General implementation of depth-first graph traversal (OK to have loops)
* with recusrion. Modification with path and without loop detection.
function depthFirstTraverse({connections, current=0, path=[], visited=new Set}) {
log(`Visit ${current} from path:`, path);
path = [...path, current];
log('Current path:', path);
for (let i = 0; i < connections[current].length; i++) {
if (connections[current][i] === 0) {
if (i === path[path.length - 1]) {
log(`Not going from ${current} to ${i} (came from there)`);
if (visited.has(i)) {
log(`Not going from ${current} to ${i} (already visited):`, visited);
log(`Check compatibility of ${i} with current path:`, path);
let compatible = true;
for (let j of path) {
compatible &= connections[i][j] === 1;
if (compatible) {
} else {
log(`Not compatible.\nNot going from ${current} to ${i}.`);
log(`Going from ${current} to ${i}.`);
depthFirstTraverse({connections, current: i, path, visited});
log(`Finished with ${current}.`);
function log(...args) {
if (log.enabled)
log.enabled = true;
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