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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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ZFS StatHat
FS = "\t";
print "{\n \"ezkey\": \"<key>\",\n \"data\": [";
{ COMMA = ""; }
NR > 1 { COMMA = ","; }
$2 == "available" && match($1, "/") == 0 {
print " " COMMA "{ \"stat\": \"ZFS " $1 " Available\", \"value\": " $3/(1024 * 1024 * 1024) " }";
$2 == "used" {
print " " COMMA "{ \"stat\": \"ZFS " $1 " Used\", \"value\": " $3/(1024 * 1024 * 1024) " }";
$2 == "usedbysnapshots" && $3 != "0" {
print " " COMMA "{ \"stat\": \"ZFS " $1 " Used By Snapshots\", \"value\": " $3/(1024 * 1024 * 1024) " }";
$2 == "usedbydataset" {
print " " COMMA "{ \"stat\": \"ZFS " $1 " Used By Dataset\", \"value\": " $3/(1024 * 1024 * 1024) " }";
$2 == "compressratio" && $3 != "1.00x" {
gsub("x", "", $3);
print " " COMMA "{ \"stat\": \"ZFS " $1 " Compression Ratio\", \"value\": " $3 " }";
print " ]\n}"
#! /bin/bash
zfs get -t filesystem -Hpo name,property,value available,used,usedbysnapshots,usedbydataset,compressratio \
| awk -f zfs-stathat.awk \
| curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @- ""
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