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Forked from anonymous/PKGBUILD
Last active December 17, 2015 10:19
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# Maintainer: Martin Schmölzer <[email protected]>
# ----------------------
# This package is intended as a more up-to-date replacement for the AUR
# 'ttf-ms-fonts' and 'ttf-vista-fonts' packages. It provides newer versions of
# the fonts in these packages, but due to license issues cannot automatically
# download the fonts.
# Instead, you must acquire them from a Windows 7 system or install media:
# - Running Windows 7 system: fonts are located in C:\Windows\Fonts
# - Windows 7 install media: fonts are located in sources/install.wim, which
# is a "Windows Imaging Format" archive. This archive can be extracted with
# 7-zip (p7zip package): "7z x install.wim 1/Windows/Fonts"
# Alternatively, you can use GNOME's File Roller (and maybe other archive
# managers) to extract the files if the p7zip package is installed.
# You need the files listed in the source=() array. Place them in the same
# directory as this PKGBUILD file, then run makepkg.
# It is possible that the checksums don't match. This is due to the fact that
# different Windows releases may have older or newer fonts than the ones I used
# to create the package. In this case, makepkg will refuse to build the package.
# To fix this, you have to replace the sha256sums=(...) entry in this PKGBUILD:
# - Run "makepkg -g". It will generate the correct checksums for your files
# and print them to the console
# - Copy and paste them into this file, replacing the existing sha256sums=(...)
# entry.
# Windows 7 SP1 has newer versions of the following fonts:
# - Arial
# - Cambria
# - Gabriola
# - Mangal
# - Times New Roman
# - Verdana
# These fonts can be extracted from the Windows 7 SP1 updater with the following
# commands:
# $ cd ~/Downloads # (or any other working directory)
# $ wget
# $ cabextract -F *.tt[fc] -d win7_sp1 windows6.1-KB976932-X64.exe
# $ mkdir sp1-fonts
# $ find win7_sp1 -name *.tt[fc] -exec cp '{}' ./sp1-fonts/ \;
# This will copy the fonts to the "sp1-fonts" directory.
pkgdesc="Microsoft Windows 7 TrueType Fonts"
provides=('ttf-vista-fonts' 'ttf-ms-fonts')
conflicts=('ttf-vista-fonts' 'ttf-ms-fonts')
# Normal Bold Italic Bold+Italic #
source=('arial.ttf' 'arialbd.ttf' 'ariali.ttf' 'arialbi.ttf'
'comic.ttf' 'comicbd.ttf'
'cour.ttf' 'courbd.ttf' 'couri.ttf' 'courbi.ttf'
'georgia.ttf' 'georgiab.ttf' 'georgiai.ttf' 'georgiaz.ttf'
'mangal.ttf' 'mangalb.ttf'
'times.ttf' 'timesbd.ttf' 'timesi.ttf' 'timesbi.ttf'
'trebuc.ttf' 'trebucbd.ttf' 'trebucit.ttf' 'trebucbi.ttf'
'verdana.ttf' 'verdanab.ttf' 'verdanai.ttf' 'verdanaz.ttf'
'calibri.ttf' 'calibrib.ttf' 'calibrii.ttf' 'calibriz.ttf'
'cambria.ttc' 'cambriab.ttf' 'cambriai.ttf' 'cambriaz.ttf'
'Candara.ttf' 'Candarab.ttf' 'Candarai.ttf' 'Candaraz.ttf'
'consola.ttf' 'consolab.ttf' 'consolai.ttf' 'consolaz.ttf'
'constan.ttf' 'constanb.ttf' 'constani.ttf' 'constanz.ttf'
'corbel.ttf' 'corbelb.ttf' 'corbeli.ttf' 'corbelz.ttf'
build() {
cd ${srcdir}
# cambria.ttc is a TrueType Collection (TTC) which causes problems with
# LibreOffice (Cambria Reguar cannot be selected) so we need to convert
# the TTC into a TrueType Font (TTF).
FONTFORGE_LANGUAGE=ff fontforge -c 'Open("cambria.ttc(Cambria)"); Generate("cambria.ttf")'
package() {
cd ${srcdir}
# Prepare destination directory
install -d -m 755 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/fonts/TTF"
# Install fonts and license
install -m 644 *.ttf "${pkgdir}/usr/share/fonts/TTF"
install -D -m 644 "license.rtf" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/license.rtf"
# vim: set ts=2 sw=2 ft=sh noet:
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