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Created December 16, 2024 07:25
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Lang in JS
const readline = require('readline');
const fs = require('fs');
const readLineSync = require('readline-sync');
const { type } = require('os');
function input(prompt) {
return readLineSync.question(prompt);
function arrayEquals(arr1, arr2) {
return (
Array.isArray(arr1) &&
Array.isArray(arr2) &&
arr1.length === arr2.length &&
arr1.every((value, index) => value === arr2[index])
class Program {
constructor(defs, ...expressions){
this.defs = defs;
this.expressions = expressions;
class FunDef {
constructor(name, args, returnType, body) { = name;
this.args = args;
this.returnType = returnType;
this.body = body;
// 式を表すクラス
class Expression {}
// 代入を表すクラス
class Assignment extends Expression {
constructor(name, expr) {
super(); = name;
this.expr = expr;
// 二項演算子(+、-、*、/)のためのクラス
class BinExpr extends Expression {
constructor(operator, lhs, rhs) {
this.operator = operator;
this.lhs = lhs;
this.rhs = rhs;
// 単項演算子(not)のためのクラス
class UnaryExpr extends Expression {
constructor(operator, expr) {
this.operator = operator;
this.expr = expr;
// 整数値のためのクラス
class Num extends Expression {
constructor(value) {
this.value = value;
// 真偽値のためのクラス
class Bool extends Expression {
constructor(value) {
this.value = value;
// 文字列のためのクラス
class Str extends Expression {
constructor(value) {
this.value = value;
// 変数参照のためのクラス
class VarRef extends Expression {
super(); = name;
// 関数呼び出しのためのクラス
class FunCall extends Expression {
constructor(name, ...args) {
super(); = name;
this.args = args;
// 条件分岐のためのクラス
class If extends Expression {
constructor(cond, thenExpr, elseExpr) {
this.cond = cond;
this.thenExpr = thenExpr;
this.elseExpr = elseExpr;
// 繰り返しのためのクラス
class While extends Expression {
constructor(cond, body) {
this.cond = cond;
this.body = body;
// 連接のためのクラス
class Seq extends Expression {
constructor(...bodies) {
this.bodies = bodies;
// 組み込み関数のためのクラス
class BuiltinFun {
constructor(name, func) { = name;
this.func = func;
class Type {
constructor(name) { = name;
equals(other) {
return ===;
toString() {
return `Type(${})`;
class FunctionType {
constructor(argTypes, returnType) {
this.argTypes = argTypes;
this.returnType = returnType;
equals(other) {
return arrayEquals(this.argTypes, other.argTypes) && this.returnType.equals(other.returnType);
toString() {
return `FunctionType(${this.argTypes} -> ${this.returnType})`;
const INT_TYPE = new Type("int");
const BOOLEAN_TYPE = new Type("boolean");
const STRING_TYPE = new Type("string");
function typeFromName(name) {
switch(name) {
case "int":
return INT_TYPE;
case "boolean":
case "string":
function translateExpr(jsonObject) {
if(Array.isArray(jsonObject)) {
const operator = jsonObject[0];
switch(operator) {
case "+":
return new BinExpr("+", translateExpr(jsonObject[1]), translateExpr(jsonObject[2]));
case "-":
return new BinExpr("-", translateExpr(jsonObject[1]), translateExpr(jsonObject[2]));
case "*":
return new BinExpr("*", translateExpr(jsonObject[1]), translateExpr(jsonObject[2]));
case "/":
return new BinExpr("/", translateExpr(jsonObject[1]), translateExpr(jsonObject[2]));
case "%":
return new BinExpr("%", translateExpr(jsonObject[1]), translateExpr(jsonObject[2]));
case "<":
return new BinExpr("<", translateExpr(jsonObject[1]), translateExpr(jsonObject[2]));
case ">":
return new BinExpr(">", translateExpr(jsonObject[1]), translateExpr(jsonObject[2]));
case "<=":
return new BinExpr("<=", translateExpr(jsonObject[1]), translateExpr(jsonObject[2]));
case ">=":
return new BinExpr(">=", translateExpr(jsonObject[1]), translateExpr(jsonObject[2]));
case "==":
return new BinExpr("==", translateExpr(jsonObject[1]), translateExpr(jsonObject[2]));
case "!=":
return new BinExpr("!=", translateExpr(jsonObject[1]), translateExpr(jsonObject[2]));
case "and":
return new BinExpr("and", translateExpr(jsonObject[1]), translateExpr(jsonObject[2]));
case "or":
return new BinExpr("or", translateExpr(jsonObject[1]), translateExpr(jsonObject[2]));
case "not":
return new UnaryExpr("not", translateExpr(jsonObject[1]));
case "seq":
return new Seq(...jsonObject.slice(1).map(translateExpr));
case "if":
return new If(translateExpr(jsonObject[1]), translateExpr(jsonObject[2]), translateExpr(jsonObject[3]));
case "while":
return new While(translateExpr(jsonObject[1]), translateExpr(jsonObject[2]));
case "<-":
return new Assignment(jsonObject[1], translateExpr(jsonObject[2]));
case "ref":
return new VarRef(jsonObject[1]);
case "call":
return new FunCall(jsonObject[1], ...jsonObject.slice(2).map(translateExpr));
switch (typeof jsonObject) {
case "number":
return new Num(jsonObject);
case "string":
return new Str(jsonObject);
case "boolean":
return new Bool(jsonObject);
throw "Not implemented for: " + JSON.stringify(jsonObject);
* {"functions": [
* ["factorial", [["n": "int"], "int",
* ["if", ["==", "n", 0],
* 1,
* ["*", "n", ["call", "factorial", ["-", "n", 1]]]]]],
* ...
* ],
* "body": ["call", "factorial", 5]
* }
function translateProgram(jsonProgram) {
const defs = jsonProgram['functions'].map(f =>
new FunDef(f[0], f[1], f[2], translateExpr(f[3]))
const body = translateExpr(jsonProgram['body']);
return new Program(defs, body);
function evalProgram(program) {
const env = {};
const funEnv = {};
const builtinFunEnv = {
'print': new BuiltinFun('print', (args) => {
return args[0];
'input': new BuiltinFun('input', (prompt) => {
return input(prompt);
'concat': new BuiltinFun('concat', (a, b) => {
return a + b;
'parseInt': new BuiltinFun('parseInt', (a) => {
return parseInt(a)
'add': new BuiltinFun('add', (args) => args.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)),
'mul': new BuiltinFun('mul', (args) => args.reduce((a, b) => a * b, 1)),
'length': new BuiltinFun('length', (args) => args[0].length),
'charAt': new BuiltinFun('chatAt', (args) => args[0].charAt(args[1])),
'slice': new BuiltinFun('slice', (args) => args[0].slice(args[1], args[2])),
'intToString': new BuiltinFun('toString', (args) => args[0].toString()),
let result = null;
program.defs.forEach((d) => {
funEnv[] = d;
program.expressions.forEach((e) => {
result = eval(e, env, funEnv, builtinFunEnv);
return result;
function evalJsonProgram(jsonString) {
const jsonProgram = JSON.parse(jsonString);
const program = translateProgram(jsonProgram);
return evalProgram(program);
function eval(expr, env, funEnv, builtinFunEnv) {
if(expr instanceof BinExpr) {
const resultL = eval(expr.lhs, env, funEnv, builtinFunEnv);
const resultR = eval(expr.rhs, env, funEnv, builtinFunEnv);
switch(expr.operator) {
case "+":
return resultL + resultR;
case "-":
return resultL - resultR;
case "*":
return resultL * resultR;
case "/":
return resultL / resultR;
case "%":
return resultL % resultR;
case "<":
return resultL < resultR;
case ">":
return resultL > resultR;
case "<=":
return resultL <= resultR;
case ">=":
return resultL >= resultR;
case "==":
return resultL === resultR;
case "!=":
return resultL !== resultR;
case "and":
return resultL && resultR;
case "or":
return resultL || resultR;
} else if(expr instanceof UnaryExpr) {
const result = eval(expr.expr, env, funEnv, builtinFunEnv);
switch(expr.operator) {
case "not":
return !result;
} else if(expr instanceof Num) {
return expr.value;
} else if(expr instanceof Bool) {
return expr.value;
} else if(expr instanceof Str) {
return expr.value;
} else if(expr instanceof VarRef) {
if (!( in env)) {
throw `variable ${} is not defined`;
return env[];
} else if(expr instanceof Assignment) {
const result = eval(expr.expr, env, funEnv, builtinFunEnv);
env[] = result;
return result;
} else if(expr instanceof Seq) {
let result = null;
expr.bodies.forEach((e) => {
result = eval(e, env, funEnv, builtinFunEnv);
return result;
} else if(expr instanceof If) {
if(eval(expr.cond, env, funEnv, builtinFunEnv)) {
return eval(expr.thenExpr, env, funEnv, builtinFunEnv);
}else {
return eval(expr.elseExpr, env, funEnv, builtinFunEnv);
} else if(expr instanceof While) {
while(eval(expr.cond, env, funEnv, builtinFunEnv)) {
eval(expr.body, env, funEnv, builtinFunEnv);
return 0;
} else if(expr instanceof FunCall) {
const def = funEnv[] || builtinFunEnv[];
if(!def) throw `function ${} is not defined`;
const args = => eval(a, env, funEnv, builtinFunEnv));
if (def instanceof BuiltinFun) {
return def.func(args);
const newEnv = {}
for(let i = 0; i < def.args.length; i++) {
newEnv[def.args[i][0]] = args[i];
return eval(def.body, newEnv, funEnv, builtinFunEnv);
} else {
console.assert(false, `should not reach here ${expr}`);
function typeCheck(expr, typeEnv) {
if(expr instanceof BinExpr) {
const typeL = typeCheck(expr.lhs, typeEnv);
const typeR = typeCheck(expr.rhs, typeEnv);
switch(expr.operator) {
case "+":
case "-":
case "*":
case "/":
case "%":
if(!typeL.equals(INT_TYPE) || !typeR.equals(INT_TYPE)) {
throw `Type error. Required: ${INT_TYPE} ${expr.operator} ${INT_TYPE} actual: ${typeL} ${expr.operator} ${typeR}`;
return INT_TYPE;
case "<":
case ">":
case "<=":
case ">=":
if(!typeL.equals(INT_TYPE) || !typeR.equals(INT_TYPE)) {
throw `Type error. Required: ${INT_TYPE} ${expr.operator} ${INT_TYPE}, actual: ${typeL} ${expr.operator} ${typeR}`;
case "==":
case "!=":
if(!typeL.equals(typeR)) {
throw `Type error. Left and right must be equal. actual: ${typeL} ${expr.operator} ${typeR}`;
case "and":
case "or":
if(!typeL.equals(BOOLEAN_TYPE) || !typeR.equals(BOOLEAN_TYPE)) {
throw `Type error. Required: ${BOOLEAN_TYPE} ${expr.operator} ${BOOLEAN_TYPE}, actual: ${typeL} ${expr.operator} ${typeR}`;
} else if(expr instanceof UnaryExpr) {
const typeL = typeCheck(expr.expr, typeEnv);
switch(expr.operator) {
case "not":
if(!typeL.equals(BOOLEAN_TYPE)) {
throw `Type error. Required: not ${BOOLEAN_TYPE}, actual: not ${typeL}`;
} else if(expr instanceof Num) {
return INT_TYPE;
} else if(expr instanceof Bool) {
} else if(expr instanceof Str) {
} else if(expr instanceof VarRef) {
if (!( in typeEnv)) {
throw `variable ${} is not defined`;
return typeEnv[];
} else if(expr instanceof Assignment) {
const valueType = typeCheck(expr.expr, typeEnv);
const name =;
if(!(name in typeEnv)) {
typeEnv[name] = valueType;
return valueType;
if(!typeEnv[name].equals(valueType)) {
throw `Type error in re-assignment. Since the variable ${name} is declared as ${typeEnv[name]}, ${valueType} cannot be assigned`;
return valueType;
} else if(expr instanceof Seq) {
let resultType;
expr.bodies.forEach((e) => {
resultType = typeCheck(e, typeEnv);
return resultType;
} else if(expr instanceof If) {
const condType = typeCheck(expr.cond, typeEnv);
if(!condType.equals(BOOLEAN_TYPE)) {
throw `Type error. Required: ${BOOLEAN_TYPE}, actual: ${condType}`;
const thenType = typeCheck(expr.thenExpr, typeEnv);
const elseType = typeCheck(expr.elseExpr, typeEnv);
if(!thenType.equals(elseType)) {
throw `Type error. Then and else must be equal. Actual: ${thenType} != ${elseType}`;
return thenType;
} else if(expr instanceof While) {
const condType = typeCheck(expr.cond, typeEnv);
if(!condType.equals(BOOLEAN_TYPE)) {
throw `Type error. Required: ${BOOLEAN_TYPE}, actual: ${condType}`;
const bodyType = typeCheck(expr.body, typeEnv);
return INT_TYPE;
} else if(expr instanceof FunCall) {
const targetType = typeEnv[]
if(!(targetType instanceof FunctionType)) {
throw `Type error. Type ${} is required to function. Actual: ${targetType}`;
const argTypes = => typeCheck(a, typeEnv));
if(targetType.argTypes.length !== argTypes.length) {
throw `Type error. Required: ${targetType.argTypes.length} arguments, actual: ${argTypes.length} arguments`;
for(let i = 0; i < targetType.argTypes.length; i++) {
if(!targetType.argTypes[i].equals(argTypes[i])) {
throw `Type error. Required: ${targetType.argTypes[i]}, actual: ${argTypes[i]}`;
return targetType.returnType;
} else {
console.assert(false, `should not reach here ${expr}`);
function typeCheckProgram(program) {
const typeEnv = {
'print': new FunctionType([STRING_TYPE], STRING_TYPE),
'input': new FunctionType([STRING_TYPE], STRING_TYPE),
'concat': new FunctionType([STRING_TYPE, STRING_TYPE], STRING_TYPE),
'parseInt': new FunctionType([STRING_TYPE], INT_TYPE),
'add': new FunctionType([INT_TYPE, INT_TYPE], INT_TYPE),
'mul': new FunctionType([INT_TYPE, INT_TYPE], INT_TYPE),
'length': new FunctionType([STRING_TYPE], INT_TYPE),
'charAt': new FunctionType([STRING_TYPE, INT_TYPE], STRING_TYPE),
'slice': new FunctionType([STRING_TYPE, INT_TYPE, INT_TYPE], STRING_TYPE),
'intToString': new FunctionType([INT_TYPE], STRING_TYPE),
program.defs.forEach((def) => {
typeEnv[] = new FunctionType( => typeFromName(arg[1])),
program.defs.forEach((def) => {
const localEnv = { ...typeEnv };
def.args.forEach((arg) => {
localEnv[arg[0]] = typeFromName(arg[1]);
const bodyType = typeCheck(def.body, localEnv);
const expectedType = typeFromName(def.returnType);
if (!bodyType.equals(expectedType)) {
throw `Function ${} expected return type ${expectedType}, but got ${bodyType}`;
let result = null;
program.expressions.forEach((e) => {
result = typeCheck(e, typeEnv);
return result;
try {
const program = fs.readFileSync(process.argv[2], 'utf8');
} catch (err) {
console.error('Error reading the file:', err);
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