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Created April 27, 2018 02:39
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(defun square-val (x y str len)
((eql y 0) (elt str x))
((eql x 0) (elt str y))
((and (eql x len) (eql y len)) (elt str 0))
((eql y len) (elt str (- len x)))
((eql x len) (elt str (- len y)))
(t #\Space)))
(defun print-square (str)
(let ((len (1- (length str))))
(loop for y from 0 to len do
(format t " ") ;brutally practical indent
(loop for x from 0 to len
for chr = (square-val x y str len)
do (format t "~C " chr))
(print-square "BRUTALLY OPTIMIZED")
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