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Last active July 21, 2017 12:49
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Class Litn Repr : Type := {
litn : nat -> Repr;
Class Litb Repr : Type := {
litb : bool -> Repr;
Class Add Repr : Type := {
add : Repr -> Repr -> Repr
Class Ifz Repr : Type := {
ifz : Repr -> Repr -> Repr -> Repr
Class All (Repr : Type) `{Litn Repr} `{Litb Repr} `{Add Repr} `{Ifz Repr} .
Definition ex1 {A : Type} `{All A} : A :=
ifz (add (litn 5) (litn 7)) (litb true) (litb false) .
Inductive ty := tbool | tnat.
Definition eq_ty(t1 : ty)(t2: ty) : bool := match t1,t2 with
| tbool, tbool => true
| tnat, tnat => true
| _,_ => false
Instance litntype : Litn (option ty) := {|
litn x := Some (tnat)
Instance litbtype : Litb (option ty) := {|
litb x := Some (tbool)
Instance addtype : Add (option ty) := {|
add x y := match x,y with
| Some tnat, Some tnat => Some tnat
| _, _ => None
Instance ifztype : Ifz (option ty) := {|
ifz x y z := match x,y,z with
| Some tnat, Some t1, Some t2 => if (eq_ty t1 t2) then Some t1 else None
| _,_,_ => None
Instance alltype : All (option ty).
Definition tyex : option ty := ex1.
Compute tyex.
Inductive val : Type :=
| vbool : bool -> val
| vnat : nat -> val.
Instance litnval : Litn (option val) := {|
litn x := Some (vnat x)
Instance litbval : Litb (option val) := {|
litb x := Some (vbool x)
Instance addval : Add (option val) := {|
add x y := match x,y with
| Some (vnat x), Some (vnat y) => Some (vnat (x + y))
| _, _ => None
Require Import Coq.Arith.EqNat.
Instance ifzval : Ifz (option val) := {|
ifz x y z := match x with
| Some (vnat a) => if (beq_nat a 0) then y else z
| _ => None
Instance allval : All (option val).
Definition valex : option val := ex1.
Compute valex.
Definition typesound(t: ty)(v : val) : Prop :=
(t = tbool -> exists b, v = vbool b) /\ (t = tnat -> exists n, v = vnat n).
Lemma litnsound : forall n v t,
litn n = Some v -> litn n = Some t -> typesound t v.
intros. cbn in *. inversion H. inversion H0. subst. split; intros.
- inversion H1.
- exists n. auto.
Lemma litbsound : forall n v t,
litb n = Some v -> litb n = Some t -> typesound t v.
intros. cbn in *. inversion H. inversion H0. subst. split; intros.
- exists n. auto.
- inversion H1.
Lemma addsound: forall t1 t2 (t: ty) v1 v2 (v: val),
typesound t1 v2 -> typesound t2 v2 ->
add (Some v1) (Some v2) = Some v -> add (Some t1) (Some t2) = Some t ->
typesound t v.
intros. destruct v1; destruct v2; try inversion H1.
cbn in H1. destruct t1; destruct t2; try inversion H2.
split; intros. inversion H3. subst. exists (n+n0). reflexivity.
Lemma ifzsound: forall t1 t2 t3 (t: ty) v1 v2 v3 (v: val),
typesound t1 v2 -> typesound t2 v2 -> typesound t3 v3 ->
ifz (Some v1) (Some v2) (Some v3) = Some v -> ifz (Some t1) (Some t2) (Some t3) = Some t ->
typesound t v.
intros. destruct t1; destruct t2; destruct t3; try inversion H3;
destruct v1; destruct v2; destruct v3; try inversion H2
; case_eq (PeanoNat.Nat.eqb n 0); intros; rewrite H4 in H6; inversion H6; cbn; subst; auto.
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