Shortcut — Action
— Move to the beginning of the lineCTRL + E
— Move to the end of the lineCTRL + [left arrow]
— Move one word backward (on some systems this is ALT + B)CTRL + [right arrow]
— Move one word forward (on some systems this is ALT + F)CTRL + U
(bash) — Clear the characters on the line before the current cursor positionCTRL + U
(zsh) — If you're using the zsh, this will clear the entire lineCTRL + K
— Clear the characters on the line after the current cursor positionESC + [backspace]
— Delete the word in front of the cursorCTRL + W
— Delete the word in front of the cursorALT + D
— Delete the word after the cursorCTRL + R
— Search historyCTRL + G
— Escape from search modeCTRL + _
— Undo the last changeCTRL + L
— Clear screenCTRL + S
— Stop output to screenCTRL + Q
— Re-enable screen outputCTRL + C
— Terminate/kill current foreground processCTRL + Z
— Suspend/stop current foreground process
Command — Action
— Execute last command in history!abc
— Execute last command in history beginning with abc!abc:p
— Print last command in history beginning with abc