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Last active December 25, 2024 01:37
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A very cursed sort inspired by the three point turn in Austin Powers. No, this is not efficient at all. But it is funny.
list = [99, 2, 17, 103, 77, 3, 1, 8]
sorted = []
i, n = 0, 1 # when we get to the end of the list, these indexes become -1, -2, then they become 0, 1 again when they re-rereach the top
reverse = False
things_to_append_on_reversal = []
while list:
print(f"indexes: i {i}, n {n}, list: {list}")
if len(list) == 1:
if list[i] < list[n]:
if not sorted:
# if nothing exists yet, add it
sorted.insert(0, list[i])
print(f"if nothing exists yet: sorted {sorted}, list:{list}, reverse: {reverse}")
elif list[i] < sorted[0]:
sorted.insert(0, list[i])
print(f"list[{i}] < sorted[0]: sorted {sorted}, list:{list}, reverse: {reverse}")
elif list[i] < sorted[-1]:
# remove the last number from sorted, put it on the end of the list
# if you append to the list now, the checks occuring in the same reversal sequence will be off by 1, so do it later
# add the current number to sorted, remove from the list
print(f"list[{i}] > sorted[-1]: sorted {sorted}, list:{list}, reverse: {reverse}")
print(f"else: sorted {sorted}, list:{list}, reverse: {reverse}")
# iterate depending on reversing instruction
i = n
if reverse:
# if we hit the end or beginning of a list, reverse
if n >= len(list) - 1 and not reverse:
n = -2
i = -1
reverse = True
list += things_to_append_on_reversal
things_to_append_on_reversal = []
if abs(n) == len(list) and reverse:
n = 0
i = 1
reverse = False
list += things_to_append_on_reversal
things_to_append_on_reversal = []
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