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Last active October 10, 2023 05:10
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Optimize webpage speed
Optimize webpage speed:
- Tools: Google Pagespeed Insight,,, Image Analysis of
- Tools mobile:,
1. Using sprite CSS for all images
2. Optimize images using tool
3. Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript in above-the-fold content
- Use content_for custom js in Rails
4. About CSS can be use
Optimize CSS Delivery
Example of inlining a small css file
Don't inline large data URIs
Don’t inline CSS attributes
5. Add expires headers
- Configure the Expires header for Rails under nginx
if ($request_uri ~* "\.(ico|css|js|gif|jpe?g|png)\?[0-9]+$") {
expires max;
location ^~ /assets/ {
gzip_static on;
expires max;
add_header Cache-Control public;
6. How to set up nginx cookie free headers
When your website sets a cookie, the web browser sends this cookie when requesting static files like js, css and png. This increases network activity.
Being cookie free means using a different domain or subdomain for serving files like images, stylesheets and Javascript.
So you need to create a new virtual host file on Nginx with the same document root:
server {
listen 80;
root /var/www/;
fastcgi_hide_header Set-Cookie;
Create an A Record for in the DNS section.
Edit your website to make the css, js and image files use this subdomain in its URL.
6. [[Updated on 23 Jan 2019] Load Externals JS at the end of body:
- JS at <head> => need add defer attribute => this way will load JS and donot break the DOM loading.
- JS at the end of <body> => don't need add any attribute, DOM will load html then load JS, then excuted JS.
7. [Updated on 23 Jan 2019] Use Webpack (Wepacker gem for Rails) to optimize both CSS, JS, ASSETS IMAGES.
- Later will update the Strategy use webpacker
8. [Updated on 23 Jan 2019] Use google devtools to find CSS & JS un-use for Homepage (Need optimize the content loaded per page
must do keep content load minimum per page, this is a goal)
- the great tool :
9. [Updated on 7 Jun 2019] Optimize with WebP, Font caching, Pre-loading third party JS, Browser caching
- Besides maybe changing the current fonts we also need to think about loading and caching of the font. Because some users see their default settings like Calibri, Arial etc.
- Browser Caching (nginx) :
location ^~ /assets|packs-staging/ {
gzip_static on;
expires max;
add_header Cache-Control public;
- Pre-loading thir party JS:
- WebP:
Some resources to start:
should to try to create a solution without creating every image in .webp format Otherwise we will get a lot more maintenance.
However, we still need a fallback if the browser does not support webp.
- [continue update]
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Nice, Thank you. It's really helpful to me

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