You have some WASM code in fact.wat
that you want to test.
You have installed the WebAssembly reference
and can call it as wasm
(or <some_path>/wasm
<!DOCTYPE html> | |
<html> | |
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<title>Playing with Llamafile</title> | |
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body { | |
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font: 1.5em PT Sans, sans-serif; |
// Working with various monads in F# | |
type OptionBuilder() = | |
member _.Bind(a, f) = Option.bind f a | |
member _.Return a = Some a | |
member _.ReturnFrom a = a | |
member _.Zero () = None | |
member _.Combine (a, b) = Option.orElseWith b a | |
member _.Delay f = f |
You have some WASM code in fact.wat
that you want to test.
You have installed the WebAssembly reference
and can call it as wasm
(or <some_path>/wasm
(module | |
(import "shared" "memory" (memory 1)) | |
(import "shared" "table" (table 1 anyfunc)) | |
(elem (i32.const 0) $read1) ;; set table[0] to read1 for indirect calling | |
(func $read1 (result i32) | |
i32.const 4 | |
i32.load) | |
(func $read0 (result i32) |
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, ScopedTypeVariables #-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds, KindSignatures #-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators #-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} | |
data Nat = Z | S Nat | |
type family (n :: Nat) :+ (m :: Nat) :: Nat | |
type instance Z :+ m = m | |
type instance (S n) :+ m = S (n :+ m) |
(module | |
(export "fact" (func $fact)) | |
(func $fact (param $n i32) (result i32) | |
(local $result i32) | |
(set_local $result (i32.const 1)) | |
(if (get_local $n) | |
(loop $start | |
(set_local $result (i32.mul (get_local $n) (get_local $result))) | |
(tee_local $n (i32.sub (get_local $n) (i32.const 1))) |
(module $simpleallocate | |
(global $ALIGN_MASK i32 (i32.const 7)) | |
(global $MAX_SIZE_32 i32 (i32.const 1073741824)) | |
(global $PAGE_SIZE i32 (i32.const 65536)) | |
(global $next_free (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) | |
(func $bytes_to_pages (param $n i32) (result i32) | |
(i32.add (i32.div_u (local.get $n) | |
(global.get $PAGE_SIZE)) | |
(i32.const 1))) |
(module $evenodd | |
(export "even" (func $even)) | |
(export "odd" (func $odd)) | |
(func $even (param $n i32) (result i32) | |
get_local $n | |
i32.const 0 | |
i32.eq | |
if (result i32) | |
i32.const 1 | |
else |
data Expr : Type -> Type where | |
Con : Int -> Expr Int | |
Add : Expr Int -> Expr Int -> Expr Int | |
Mult : Expr Int -> Expr Int -> Expr Int | |
IsZ : Expr Int -> Expr Bool | |
If : Expr Bool -> Expr t -> Expr t -> Expr t | |
And : Expr Bool -> Expr Bool -> Expr Bool | |
Or : Expr Bool -> Expr Bool -> Expr Bool | |
Tuple : Expr t -> Expr s -> Expr (t,s) | |
Fst : Expr(t,s) -> Expr t |
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